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"Kai get up please." I lightly tapped his his back. He whined and buried his head more into my shoulder. "Kai you can go back to sleep once I get up." He whined louder and started crying. "No no shh I'm sorry." I tried to calm him down he cried harder. "Shh" I hushed him not wanting him to wake up the others.

I opened the car door and tried to get out while holding him. After 3 failed attempts I was finally able to get out the car. I rocked him back and forth trying to quiet down is crying. "Be a good boy for hyung please." His cries soon turned into little hiccups.

I rocked him for a little while longer until he was fully back asleep. I placed him in the back seat with the rest and gently closed the car door making sure they were all comfortable and had as much space as possible in the car.

I looked around the huge forest. Why would they just leave us here? I sighed as I thought about our parents. They could have left us anywhere, but they choose a forest? I tried looking through the trees but only seen more trees. I wanted to walk father in the forest but I was scared that one of them would wake up and I won't be there.

I walked further despite my mind telling me other wise. I walked in a straight line so that I can just turn back around to the car. I wondered not too far that I couldn't see the car but far enough to see within the trees. It was peaceful. Birds chirping, the wind rustling through the leaves, even a waterfall could be here in the distance. It almost felt as the forest was a safe place.

Like they were meant to come here. I pulled myself out my thoughts once I heard a tree branch break. I turned around quickly to find Soobin not to far behind me. "Soobin you scared me!" I yelled. He pouted. "Go back to the car Soobin I'll be there in a moment ok?" He refused.

"Soobin its not safe out here please just go back to the car." I begged. "If its not safe than why are you out here? And where's mommy and appa?" He asked. Soobin why must you question everything. "Mother and father took us on a.... camping trip? Yes a camping trip they went to set up the tents for us they won't be back for a longgg time." I lied.

Please believe me and go away, please believe me and go away, please believe me and go away. He nodded and turned back around to go to the car. I followed behind him. He got back in the back seat. I opened the truck and just like the note said all our clothes were in the truck. I searched through the clothes for anything to eat because I knew they all would be up soon and they all would be hungry.

I only found 5 boxes of cookies and some candy. Nothing that would keep us from starving to death. I closed the trunk of the car and went over to the backseat. Beomgyu and Huening Kai were now up. Great now I have to do more lying.

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