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"But Jin hyung I'm serious. I seen 5 kids in the forest. They were by a car, why don't you believe me?" I was getting annoyed at Jin hyung he wouldn't believe what I had seen. He just dismissed it as my imagination. "Jimin we are in the middle of a huge forest no one comes way out here let alone 5 little kids. They would not survive."

I groaned and stomped the ground causing it to shake. "Jimin! You are going to cause another earthquake." Namjoon came out the house. Shut up know it all. I calmed myself and looked back at Jin. "Jin hyung I know what I seen. Ask Namjoon he knows I'm not lying. We need to help them or else they will die." His eyes glowed red before going back to their normal color.

"Show me where you seen the kids." Jin finally believed me. I excitedly jumped up and down and flew up into the sky. "On the ground Jimin!" Jin yelled. I pouted and flew back down. "But hyung it's faster in the sky. It's a 10 minute walk on the ground." I loved flying walking always took too long. "If you fly than they could possibly see you and get scared or even worse they could get curious and try to figure out what you are and that's bad Jimin." I nodded understanding what he meant.

"This way", I pointed to the right direction as Jin was walking the wrong way. He turned around and walked in the right direction. "I knew that", he said and which Namjoon responded with, "No you didn't!" Jin rolled his eyes and he journeyed into the forest with me. "Hyung my legs hurt!" I complained.

"Jimin we can turn around and go back to the house and leave those kids witch I still believe you seen out here to die." I rolled my eyes and continued walking in the forest in silence. "Were here hide." I make bushes grow and hid behind them. "You could have hid behind a tree but you choose to be extra." Jin mumbled. "I'm extra! Have you not seen yourself you are the definition of extra." I crossed my arms and glared at him

"Jimin shut the fuck up before they hear us." I shut up and watched as two kids played around in the car. "I thought you said there were 5 kids." I shrugged. "Maybe the other 3 went and try to find food?" I guessed. Just as I said that 3 kids walked from the other side of the forest.

"That's dangerous for them to be in the forest like that. Something could hurt them or worse kill them. Jimin you know the things that's in this forest why didn't you bring them to the house!?" Jin whisper shouted at me. "Says the one who didn't believe me at first!" I whisper shouted back.

"That's not the point Jimin you left 5 innocent children in the damn forest with possibly no food or water!" Jin yelled louder. The kids stopped playing and looked around. "Good job hyung now they heard you." I mumbled. We stayed quiet and let the children search around for the source of the noise they had heard.

"Hyung we are going to take them in right?" I asked as I looked at the kids in awe. They were so cute. "Of course we are! Who am I to leave 5 adorable kids in the forest to die." I crossed my arms and glared at Jin hyung. "You once told taetae, Jungkook, and I that you would kick us out and let us fend for ourselves."

"This is different they are kids. You 3 are full grown adults with powers you would be fine." I silently mocked him knowing I would get scolded if I mocked him outloud.

"We need to tell the rest tomorrow we will come back and introduce ourselves properly so they won't be scared. We also need to fully remove everything magical from the open. We don't want to scare them with our unimaginable abilities just yet." I nodded.

We watched the kids for a little while longer making sure they were safe before we left back to the house. "We have 2 spare rooms so we will have to make fit 3 in one room and 2 in another." I hummed as I didn't pay attention to what he was saying I was focused on why 5 little children were left in the forest with no parents in sight.

What cruel humans would leave children alone in a forest? Did they not want kids? Many thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to  comprehend why someone would leave their children in the forest.


It's been a while🙃

Wc: 802

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