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"Hyung can we please explore the forest? We've been stuck in the care forever and we are bored!" Taehyun complained." Taehyun something could harm us in the forest. That is why you stay in the car so you won't get injured." He rolled his eyes.

"Hyung you get to explore the forest, Mom and dad get to explore the forest. Why can't we?!" He crossed his arms and pouted. "We are older Taehyun you can get harmed." I tried to get him to just drop the conversation but knowing Taehyun that would be impossible. "Im only 3 years younger than you. This is no fair!" He stomped his feet.

"Taehyun we've been out here for 5 days and all of a sudden do you want to explore the forest?" There had to be something that Taehyun wanted to see or find in the forest. "I'm bored hyung. I just want to explore the forest for a little while." Taehyun was right about being bored it was absolutely nothing to do. I pulled Taehyun away from the car where we couldn't be heard.

"Taehyun this isn't about you imagining that boy who was flying is it?" I asked. "Hyung it wasn't an imagination it was real! Why don't you believe me?" Taehyun sounded hurt. "Taehyun you have a very active imagination. You were bored so, you tried to entertain yourself and come up with the idea that someone was flying that's all that happened Taehyun." An emotion flashed in Taehyun's eyes that I've never seen before.

"You're just like mom and dad. They never believe me either. Like that time when dad broke a lamp, but he had blamed it on me and you all believed him. I got in trouble for something he had done and you know that hurts hyung. Knowing that you all would never believe me no matter whatever I say." Sadness filed Taehyun's eyes.

"Taehyun-", he had cut me off. "No hyung forget it. I'll go back to the car, I'll listen to you and pretend that what I saw was my imagination. It's not like I haven't done it before." Taehyun sadly walked back to the car. I sighed and lowered my head. Some brother I am. "Hey", someone called out. I quickly looked back up to see the same man I saw flying.

I backed away quickly. "W-who are you?" I cursed myself for stuttering. "Hey look I'm not going to harm you trust me. I'm Jimin, Park Jimin." He he smiled at me and it was almost as if I was under a spell. I calmed down and actually trusted him. "Your name's Yeonjun correct?" I hesitated at first, but then slowly nodded. How did he know my name?

"I have a friend who could read minds that's how I knew your name." He gave me another smile this time his eyes turned into crescents and it wad actually kind of cute.

" He gave me another smile this time his eyes turned into crescents and it wad actually kind of cute

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"H-how did you find u-me." I stopped myself before saying us not wanting him to know my siblings are with me. "I know there's more of you silly! I seen you 5 when I was flying a couple nights ago." Taehyun had seen him too. I had completely forgotten that he(Taehyun) had also seen him.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked though I already did quite trust him I wanted to make sure I can. "The thing is you can't. You can never know if I'm lying or not and that's the fun part." I stepped away from him. Now I fully didn't trust him. "Jimin stop scaring the poor child." Another man appeared beside Jimin. He was taller and really handsome.

"Damnit I forgot you could teleport." (I gave Jin another power.) Jimin mumbled. He smacked the back of Jimin's head. "I'm very sorry for this dumbass, cutie. I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin." I held out his hand for me to shake. I stepped back. He frowned. "Good going Jimin you scared the kid." Jin glared at Jimin who lowered his head in shame.

"See we should have brought Taehyung he could have made him like us already." Jimin pouted. "We don't want to force them Jimin." Jimin crossed his arms. "Now cutie how about we take you 5 home with us. Like Jimin said we won't harm you." Jin held out his hand. I looked at his hand then back up at him. "And how do I know that?" I asked. "We can teach you to be like us." He(Jin) smiled. What is that suppose to mean and why do I want to find out so bad?

Despite my better judgement I took his hand. "Ah so you do trust us." He let go of my hand. "Come lets get your brothers." They walked towards the car and I followed. "Also", He(Jin) turn back to look at me. "You have to apologize to Taehyun. You know he always tells the truth." How did he know about that? Were they watching us that whole time? Or waiting until one of us was alone?

We got back to the car and it was utter chaos. Huening Kai was crying, Soobin and bemogyu were fighting, and Taehyun was sitting with his keens to his chest trying to block out the noise. I quickly grabbed Kai and bounced him calming him down.

Once he was fullly calm I sat him on the hood of the car making sure he wouldn't fall and turned to the ones who were fighting. "What is wrong with you 3?! I'm gone for 20 minutes and this is what you all do?!" I yelled scaring them all.

"Hyung Soobin started it." Beomgyu quickly put the blame on him. "I don't want to know who started it. You two shouldn't be arguing at all." I turned towards Seokjin and Jimin who looked surprized. "Were leaving with them until mom and dad comeback ok?" They all looked at me confused. "I'll tell you all later ok?" They nodded. I turned back to Huening Kai and picked him up.

"Can you 3 please get our stuff out of the truck?" I asked. They pouted but complied. "Kai look that's Seokjin and that's Jimin." I said as I pointed to each one of them. He hide his face as Seokjin and Jimin waved at him. "He doesn't like new people." Jimin pouted as I said that. "Hyung that's the first child who didm't like me. That's no fair." Jimin whined. Seokjin rolled his eyes and ignored Jimin.

Taehyun walked over to me with our clothes. Soobin and Beomgyu had Kai's things. "Alright lets go." Jin and Jimin lead the way as we followed behind them. "Hyung I told you it wasn't my imagination." Taehyun mumbled next to me. "I know it wasn't Taehyun."

I kinda forgot about this book😅😅
Thank you all sm for 100 reads💜💜

WC: 1182

I changed there ages
Yeonjun: 12
Soobin: 11
Beomgyu: 10
Huening Kai is still the same age

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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