Pretty Lady

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Thunder roared over Britain as the accompanying lightning flashed above, cracking the sky loudly. The rain poured everywhere and covered every surface like a blanket. Most roads turned into rivers and there was not a person in sight. Except for one, who looked at a certain castle with an evil grin.

Loud knocks were heard from the inside. The Sorcerer opened it cautiously, looking around into the pitch black. His eyes then locked on a lady. A very pretty lady. A very pretty lady. One of the prettiest ladies Merlin had ever seen. He straightened himself up. "Well hello there." he tried saying smoothly, "What might a lovely woman be doing out in the cold rain?" The pretty lady slowly walked up to him.

"I was just looking around." she said, messing with her wet hair, "Then I got lost." Merlin just stared at her, scanning her from head to toe.

"Well, my lady," he said, "I surely hope you find your way."

The pretty lady suddenly grabbed the Sorcerers clothes and brought him close to him. Very close. "Much obliged." she said, "You wouldn't mind if I stayed for the night?" Merlin's only response was a shake of his head with a love struck face.

"Not at all." he said, "You could stay at my house for tonight. It's warm." The pretty lady recoiled with slight disgust.

"Uh-I'm sorry." she said, "But I think I'd rather stay in here." Again, Merlin's only reply was to accept. The pretty lady then asked where the king was and Merlin pointed her to a hall, saying he was sleeping. The pretty lady thanked him.

Once Merlin was out of her sight, her helpless expression shifted to an annoyed one, relieved that he was gone. With a quick flail of her arms, her entire body was completely dry. Reaching the door, she hesitated before opening it. After a long while, she took a deep breath. "Come on," she whispered to herself, "You can do this." She then entered. What the pretty lady didn't expect at all was a sword up to her throat. A horrified Arthur held it in front of her.

"Who are you and why are you here?!" he demanded. The pretty lady just chuckled, pushing the sword away.

"Relax my king." she said, "Your Sorcerer gave me permission."

Arthur gave her a skeptical look. "Why?" he asked. The lady shot him a weird grin. Touching the door, she magically locked it before walking up to him.

"I was lost," she said helplessly, "And he trusted me enough to let me stay. Saved me, really." Arthur smiled nervously.

"Th-That's nice." he stuttered. Soon enough, the lady got closer to him, really close, uncomfortably close.

"You certainly are such a handsome king, aren't you, Arthur Pendragon," she said seductively, slowly moving her hand up his chest. The young king said nothing as their lips nearly touched.

Suddenly, Arthur grabbed her hand. "What are you doing?" he hissed. He had a harsh expression but his eyes were glazed in utter fear. The pretty lady responded by throwing her arms around him. Arthur stumbled and found himself landing on his own bed.

"Oh, don't be such a worry wart." she laughed, "There are plenty of kings out there who want what you have." Arthur didn't know how to even react. He wanted to stop her and kick her out, but his body didn't let him. Instantly, the king's nervous system went absolutely wack, and his mind froze time, all while he couldn't even move a muscle. Putting both her arms on each side of him, Arthur kept staring at her, blushing. He then realized something. He liked that. He didn't know why and definitely didn't want to, but he did.

"Come on. You know I'm right." she said.

"I a way." Arthur muttered before falling silent once again.

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