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Not too far from where the great Battle of Camlann took place, the former knight, Sir Bedivere sat near a pond, still waiting for his king. He gave up counting how many days went by a long time ago and thanked the few people who generously gave him food and other things. It got quite lonely waiting for a long time, but he didn't mind it. One of these days, a voice scared him. "Mind if we stay here?" Looking up, Bedivere was surprised to see none other than his friend Kay, along with Lancelot and Guinevere. Seeing these people after so long filled his heart with nothing but joy. "Not at all." he said.

The three sat next to him, asking if that was the lake Arthur was taken away in. Bedivere confirmed it. "So, what's been on with you?" he asked his friend.

"Eh," Kay shrugged, "Did what my brother told me. You know, finding odd jobs, surviving any way I can. So far, it's been...it's been alright. It's alright."

"How about you?" Bedivere then asked Lancelot, "How has things been in France?" Lancelot smiled, as if the situation was funny to him.

"Bors tried to retake my family's land again, but Galahad and I got through to him," he said, "My son is doing more than fine. Wants to open his own shop or something. As for me..." he chuckled to himself, "I didn't really know what else to do and decided to work with some monks."

"So did I," Guinevere said, "Didn't know what else to do. It's not bad, though, they're nice people."

"I'm glad to see you all moving on." Bedivere said.

"Oh, we don't move on," Lancelot told him, "We just had to deal with a bad situation." Kay then nudged his friend.

"You should come with me," he said, "No offense, but you look horrible. It'll do you some good, trust me." Bedivere was just about to accept the offer until he remembered his promise.

"No, I can't," he said, "I told Arthur I was going to wait, so I'm waiting."

Expecting Kay to scold him, he was surprised when all he said was, "Alright, you do you, then."

After a bit more small talk, the four sat in silence, taking in the moist air and clear reflections of the lake. They remained sitting for hours. None of them wanted to leave, as this was the closest thing to Arthur they had left. Soon after, the brightness of the day eventually became the same red and orange hue of that fateful event. As time went on, one my one, they began to leave. First Lancelot, then Guinevere, and finally Kay.

"I better be going," Kay said, getting up, "You sure you don't want to come with me?" Bedivere nodded his head.

"I made a promise. I'm keeping it."

Kay looked at him with understanding. "Alright. Want me to bring you some food or something?" Bedivere nodded. "I'll see you later, ok." Kay said. Bedivere said goodbye and watched him leave. One the knight was alone once again, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He then looked back at the pond. It looked just like how it did the day Arthur left.

Bedivere only hoped that it would look the same when the legendary king known as Arthur Pendragon would come again.

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