The Quest for the Holy Grail

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SHOOM! A blade of ice erupted from the ground. Merlin clapped his hands. "That was so amazing, my love. You're getting better with this everyday." The Lady of the Lake glanced at him flatly.

"Yeah," she said, "Thanks for teaching me."

"All of this for you, my love." Merlin continued, nudging her, "It's almost impossible to be worthy of even learning from my power. You are such a lucky woman."

"Yup." the Lady said. She hated this man. Though she did have some respect for him, with every passing day, every time he came, and every time he pretends they're together and she denied it, her respect for the Sorcerer ran out thin. Now, she can't help but loathe his existence and wait patiently until he hopefully leaves.

Not this time, however. This time, she knew how to get rid of him, for good. She honestly didn't want to do it this way and wished there was another. A way that he could still be around and just leave her alone, but this was the only way she knew how to stop him. The Lady of the Lake got closer to Merlin, who still bore a goofy smile. "I just wanna say, thank you so much for teaching me such an amazing thing." she said softly to him.

"Wow, I'm so flattered!" Merlin said happily, "You're amazing yourself." He then went for a smooch before the Lady backed away.

"Actually," she said, "I've been working on something for you. As a thank you for doing this. You wanna see?" Merlin perked up.

"You made something?! For me?!" he asked in surprise. The Lady of the Lake nodded. "Wow! No one has ever done that to me before. Ever!" he suddenly began to cry a bit. "I-I'm sorry! I'm getting so emotional. This is just so amazing, thank you."

Now it was really getting to the Lady. Dammit, why did she choose to do something so harsh? Nevertheless, she faked a smile and told him to follow her. They then began walking around the island in silence, with Merlin's heart shaped eyes following her around. He didn't follow her blindly, however. He knew exactly what would happen and what this would cost. It gave him a subtle, but twisted feeling in his stomach, but for some odd reason, he couldn't stop following her. Something in him just told him to keep going no matter what.

Eventually, they made it to a cave. "It's in there." she said, pointing at its entrance. Merlin hesitated for a moment, ultimately heading inside. Right as he entered, he heard a sound, turning to see the entrance covered in rocks. He was trapped! At first, he tried to teleport out. Then, he tried moving the rocks, shooting them, changing the rocks into something else and tried to make them disappear. Nothing. He felt weird. His magic not working was something unheard of and he actually felt afraid at that moment. "You're magic won't work." he heard the Lady of the Lakes voice with a hint of regret, "I used yours, so it's equally matched." Merlin couldn't help but feel personally attacked. Though he saw it coming, it still didn't hurt any less and in a way, hurt a lot more.

"Come on, Vivian, this is unfair." Merlin begged, "How could you trick me like this? And right after I told you no one's ever done something for me." The Lady found it hard to speak.

"I'm sorry." she muttered softly.

"Vivian, please. I know what's gonna happen, I just..." Merlin paused. The Lady didn't look at the covered cave and even tried to ignore his voice. She just stood there silently. "I wanna be there for him...until the very end." Merlin sighed. He really, really wanted to, but he knew he couldn't, he always did. Still, it frustrated him and hurt him as if he just found out. He wanted to break free, to leave the cave and warn Arthur about later on, but he knew it was hopeless. He then sat on the stone floor and tried to accept it. His time had come and it was time to let fate do what it wanted with his student.

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