Arthur, the Once and Future King

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 Ever since King Arthur left to chase Lancelot, Camelot and Britain itself was left in chaos. Most people didn't know what to think about Arthur anymore. Some still liked him, but others now despised him, claiming that he shouldn't have been made king in the first place. In the midst of that chaos, the people started rioting. The city of Camelot was slowly destroying itself, with people fighting each other and ruining buildings in protest. They fought and pursued each other without order, the very thing Arthur wanted to avoid. Mordred, seeing this unrest from inside the castle, knew that if his father didn't come soon, Camelot would be no more.

The first thing that came to Mordred's mind was to lead them. At this point, they basically had no king and the position was up for grabs. Mordred immediately denied it. It wasn't worth it, he thought, he didn't want the stress that came with it. As time went by, however, and the unrest became more and more prevalent, the idea invaded his mind. This was it, his big opportunity. The very thing he was made to do, and he knew this chance wouldn't come ever again. "Don't you get any funny ideas." Guinevere would say to him.

"At least I wasn't the one sinning here," Mordred retorted, "You're not even supposed to be here, anyway. And so what if I do? I'm Arthur's son, I'm the rightful heir, I have the right."

"No, you don't," Guinevere said, "You are his illegitimate son. The public won't want you to be their king." That word always angered him. Whether or not he was legitimate, he was still his son and there was a possibility. Even if he could, though, he still didn't know if he would accept. He came to oddly like just being a knight, despite how lazy and incompetent the others were. He found it incredibly fascinating and he wasn't sure if he would get that as king. He hated to admit it, but his father was right. But...

With every passing minute of hearing the fighting, and every night where he lied a awake listening to the people outside, Mordred contemplated it more and more. This was Arthur's fault. If he took action earlier, if he punished them as needed, if he showed any sort of competence and actually took his damn job seriously like a king should, none of this would've happened. The people were right to blame Arthur. They were right to riot and get mad. They were right to demand the truth. Arthur, though he was a good and kind person, was still an incompetent king who couldn't lead his people. No, the title to king needed to be given to someone who deserved it. Someone who trained for this their entire lives.

Mordred eventually settled his mind on things. Before Arthur came back, he would become king. It didn't matter whether he was illegitimate or not. Once the public found out about the truth of King Arthur and his knights, they would accept him in a heartbeat.

*** *** ***

Finally, after days of looking, Arthur eventually caught up to Lancelot, who hid in a tiny castle in Wales. Before Arthur could say anything, Gawain stepped forward. "Sir Lancelot!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, "I know you're in there! I demand you to come out this instant!" The knight poked his head from the roof.

"Leave me be." he pleaded.

"Come out and face me!" Gawain pushed in pure anger, "Unless you're a coward!"

"I guess I am," Lancelot admitted. Gawain was about to blow off again before Arthur stopped him.

"Sir Lancelot, I'm not here to fight you." Arthur said.

"I am!" Gawain interrupted.

"I'm just here to talk."

Lancelot looked at Arthur before asking, "And how is Guinevere?" Arthur reassured that she was safe. With much hesitation, Lancelot came down. Stepping out of the castle, Gawain pushed Arthur and ran at Lancelot. "Stop!" Arthur ordered, trying to grab him. The knight easily broke free and confronted Lancelot, pulling out his sword, point at his neck.

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