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I know I said only every Friday but shh..

Jack's POV

"Finn?" My eyes darted around the room looking for him.


His voice makes me feel safe.

"Sorry, I just thought you left." I sit up.

Hes on the edge of my bed with his backpack.

"Nah. I was gonna wait for you to wake up first. But I do have to go home. My dumbass brother wants something."


"But you can spend the night tomorrow with me." He smiled.

"Yeah...I will."

"Ok. See you Tomorrow, princess."

The name gave me chills.



At school


"Oh. Hey Wyatt. Wheres Jaden?"

Jaden was like my dad and Wyatt was my mom. It makes sense.

"Hes at last period."

"But the bell rang?"

"I know. Miss. Kalen held him back."

"That's dumb."


Jaden ran into me almost knocking me into the ground.

Thankfully Finn was there to catch me.

"Careful, Jay. You're gonna hurt the princess."

He calls me those names around my friends..? Aw.

"Right sorry."

"What's up with you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I have something I have to tell you guys. But-but n-no-not here."

"Ok. Bill...sheesh. what's up with the stuttering?" Finn joked.

"Shut up. Quarry in 5."

"Ok. We will be there."


"Yeah. Jack and I."

"Since when do you-ok." Wyatt looked at me weird.


"Ok what's up?" Finn sat next to me after starting the fire.

"Well...I know why miss. Kalen made me stay after."

"Why?" Wyatt looked sad.

"She said my grades were low."

"And?" I looked at the fire to see Finn from the corner of my eye.

He was staring at me. Wait..No! Jack this is about Jaden.

Drool later..

"Yeah what happened?" He put his hand on mine.

"She said she knew how I could improve them"

"What?" Wyatt looked jealous.

"Yeah. I told her I was gay, and she said she could change that or whatever."

"Ew." Wyatt rolled his eyes.

"I know. I only love my baby boy."

Jaden pressed his lips on Wyatts.

After about 5 minutes Finn finally said something.

"Ok. Jack is coming to my house. Try not to eat each other."

He got up and reached his hand out for me.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

The walk to his house was mostly us talking about Vampire Diaries.

I threw my backpack on the ground.

"Well just throw that where you want then."

"I will." I smiled.


It was silent for a few moments. But it was weird silence.



"I wanna do something. If you dont like it, then it's fine. But I wanna do something."


He put his hands on my waist and brought me closer to him.

He nibbled on my ear and kissed down my neck.

I closed my eyes to keep myself quiet.

"Finn? The hell are you doing?" Nick, Finns brother was at the door.


"Its a play?" I said without thinking.

"A play?" Nick raised an eyebrow.


"And Finn kisses your neck?"

"Its a sexual scene ok?"

"Alright. Just...be careful." He stated and closed the door, and walked away.

"Sorry.." finn smiled

"Its ok..were where we?"

"I think I remember." He giggled.

He put his hands on my waist again and brought me closer to the bed.

He sat down and brought me on his lap.  He pressed his lips softly against mine.

He tasted like honey and lipstick.

Meaning he had been kissing other people. I didnt wanna think about that though.

Or.....I tried not to.

A/n: ok. Imma update every Friday, Wednesday, and some of the other days when I feel like it.

I love you all

Until next time <3

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