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No ones POV

Finn played with the small boys hair for hours.

Jack smiled in his sleep because he knew that he would wake up to Finn in the morning.


"Good morning princess.."

"Mmm...what time is it?"

"Like 3 in the afternoon.."


Finn smiled at the comment from the cute boy.

"What are you smiling about asshole?"

Finn rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at his boyfriend.

"You stupid."


"Yes. You make me smile. You make me happy."

"I do?"

"Of course princess."

"Dont call me that."


"Because..it gives me chills."

"Good chills, princess?"

"Yes. But no.."


"Good chills when we are alone but bad chills in public."

"Oh. It gives you those chills, princess?"

"Yes now stop."

"We arent in public."

"I know.."

Finn smiled and rolled his eyes.

Finn got up and walked over to his computer and sat down in the chair.

"Whatcha doing?"


"Writing what?"

"A book."

"A book?"


*the next day at school*


Great, its Mille jack thought to himself.

"What the hell do you want now?" Finn turned with his arm still around Jack's waist.

Millie's eyes went directly to Jack's waist.

"I just...wanted to talk."

"Ok. I'm listening."


"That's not happening." Finn stated.

His grip on Jack's waist got tighter, causing Jack to moan a little.

"Sorry Princess." Finn winked a little.

"Whatever Finn.." Millie walked away.


"Hey Jackson. What up with you and Finn?"

"Shut up Sophia.."

"No. Serious.."

"I dont know...he never asked me out..but he makes it public that we hang out. We feel like a couple ya know?"



"Is that why hes flirting with Wyatt?"


Love, Jack// FackWhere stories live. Discover now