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Finns POV

The mess up..

I messed up. So bad.

Shit..shit...damn it.

I kissed Wyatt. I didnt mean to...fuck..



"Yes Wyatt?"

"Why dont you call me princess?"


"Well..you call Jack princess."


"Why is it only Jack?"

"Jack is special."

"So I'm not special?"

"You are...just not like Jack is."

"So Jack is better than me?"

"He is to me.."

"Why? What does he have that I dont?"

Wyatt got a lot closer to me. A lot. Closer..

He cornered me in the wall and put his arms around me.


"Tell me Finn..what does Jack have that I dont?"

Well for 1...my heart.

"I dont know wyatt.."

"Clearly you do."

"Hes just different from everyone else."

"So am I."

"Jack is himself. He doesnt care about what anyone thinks."

"Neither do i."

"He doesnt throw himself at me."


"He doesnt break his leg just to make me flirt with him."

"But I could give you so much more.."

Wyatt got a lot closer to me. (Fyatt? Ew..)

"Wyatt get off of me."

"You know you want me."

So I did the only rational thing..

"If i kiss you will you leave me alone?"



"Fine. But you have to kiss me like you kiss Jack."


"Just do it."

I closed my eyes and thought of Jack. And his brown curly hair that he dyed blonde.

And his brown chocolate eyes. And his smile.and his laugh.

the kiss was over almost as soon as it started.

I didnt kiss him like I kissed Jack. At all.

I kissed him like I kissed Millie, a peck and goodbye.

"I love you Finn."

"Leave Wyatt."


"Hey princess."

Jack walked up the stairs and flung his backpack on the floor.


"Everything ok?"

Love, Jack// FackWhere stories live. Discover now