Chapter 4

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Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadians out there!!!!

I'm very sorry for the delay for CH.4, I was waiting to see if it could get more reads, reviews, comments, etc.

So remember, if you enjoy Together, add it to your library, vote for it, comment on it, etc!!

I've written through Together, and it will probably end sometime in the early 2015 range, and I will update it once-twice a week. Okay? Okay.

Together: Chapter Four (Rachel's Dillema)


The slow intake of breaths.



Somtimes, breathing was the only thing that one could do.

And othertimes, breathing was the thing that killed, stopped, and mercilessly murdered; becoming the only thing one couldn't do.

But, the only thing on Rachel Elizabeth Dare's mind was breathing. And trying to forget the prophecy. Forget that the war was "over". Forget that Gaea's stake had been burned. Forget that she, Will Solace, and Nico DiAngelo was going to die. She would have to forget it all anyways, if she truly, truly, wanted to be together; to be at one with the things she treasured so dearly.

She paced on a small valley. The grass was a lucious gree, the foothills only being about four feet talll. She finally sat down at the top of this hill, looking out into the beautiful valley, having a squared view of the Nike cabin, and then the rest of the camp. The meadow, the hillside, she sat on, was called the Valley of Dreams. But to Rachel, it was more like a valley of nightmares.

The wind whistled in her ear. The wind was the only thing that was free around here. She felt like a prisoner, chained to the ground, only able to see, only able to hear, what happened above her. And even worse, no matter how hard she tried, Rachel could not forget. It wasn't working.

She turned sharply around. The crunching of the leaves got louder and louder, putting her more and more on edge as the crunching got closer.

"Fuck it, I'm just going to jump off the hillside. No one gives two shits about me anyways," she thought.

Finally, there was a tap on her shoulder. For a second, she fantasized it was Percy Jackson, a knight in shining armor, coming to rescue her, to make her forget. But no, Percy was off kissing Annabeth, proposing to her on the beach, purposely falling into Tartarus with her, buying little Percy jr ickle fishie pajamas. The life was never met to be for her.

The tap was by Will Solace, the son of Apollo, top medic at the camp.

"Finally, someone is out." She said, turning around and shaking his hand.

"Rachel, I was in the middle of taking a romantic bath with my boyfriend, so cut your crap and just tell us what we need to do!" said Nico, turning his long hair against the "free wind" and taking a daring step towards Rachel.

"Fine. I know that y'all want to have a threesome with me, but I am sadly asexual to your cause. Honestly, I'd much rather sleep with you than have to deal with all your 'Number One Persassian King of Sass Nico DiAngelo Kitty Fuzz Will Solace is THE BAE' shit, and in order to shut you up on that I'm just going to tell you how you and I and 'THE BAE' are going to die. Deal, death boy?" she asked, looking menacingly into his black eyes, and taking a step back.

Nico rolled his eyes and Solace looked amused, he let out a slight chuckle before Rachel slapped him across the face.

"What I am here to tell you is that I've recieved a prophecy, and we have to go on it."

"Typical." said Will, still gringing at the everlasting burning sensation caused by the "bombshell blonde" (who is actually a natural red-head, may I add).

"Well, let's hear it!" said Nico, raising his eyebrows and sarcastically smiling at the girl.

She took out a scroll from her pocket, and opened her mouth, and began to speak the words of Apollo.

"                                                        The earth's half burned stake ,

                    The oracle, the son of death, the queen, and the son sun shall make one big mistake,

                                                        Unless Victory heeds their call,

                                                     And the golden dagger does not fall.                                                "

 Will breathed heavily as Nico turned away, walking at the top of his might. A single tear streamed down Rachel's face.

"No, Nico!" yelled Rachel. She started walking after him, waving her arms dramatically. She aproached him from behind.

"Nico, we can solve this! You know what the stake of Gaea is, right?" Rachel called, barely reaching her finger tips to the hood of his black aviator jacket.

Nico breathed heavily. He turned around, stepping closer into Rachel's space.

"No! Rachel, no! I'm not going to go on a quest where I'm going to die! No! I've had enough tragedy in my life!"

Rachel pulled his arm. "Please, Nico." She cried, tears falling down her olive eyes and onto her cheeks.

"I'm not going to go rescue some stake and die! Especially if it involves Reyna!"

Rachel gasped. She thought the beauty queen part meant Piper, but she wanted to talk to these ones first. But, looking back on it, she realized the queen was Reyna, the only roman on the quest.

"Gaea's stake, it's her only way to enforce law in the underworld. According to Chiron, when Gaea died, her stake died too. Now, everyone, good or bad, is going to Tartarus! It was her only way to keep people in the sections they needed to be in." Rachel said, crying a little.

Nico shook his head. "So my dad's job is completely worthless?"

"Compared to Gaea, he is powerless, which is why he wasn't able to stop the spread of Tartarus! Please, Nico. You're the only one that can truly save us!"

Will had walked over to them, but he had heard everything Rachel was saying from his distance.

"Nico, please. I'm in on the quest, and think about it, your mom, and everyone who has ever died except for Bianca since she chose a new life, is in Tartarus! Do it for them!"

Nico breathed heavily. "Fine. But if Reyna dies, than Rachel dies."

Rachel stared at him, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Sounds fair."

The three shook hands, as tears started down Nico's face. As the sun was at it's highest in the sky, Will wrapped one arm around Nico, walking him back to his cabin. For now, they would be safe. If all else failed, they would be together. Maybe even dead. But at least together.


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