[File 9 - Above]

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     She wasn't sure why, but Luck wanted to visit the Celestial Tower when it came into view. She wasn't mourning for the death of anyone, she didn't feel the need to come here, but something guided her to this point.

     Unexpectedly, her Litwick popped out of their Pokéball, as it looked around. They began to tug at her boots, pointing to the direction of the spiralling staircase. When the grunt looked down to the candle, she knew what they wanted to do.

     Most of the people visiting the tower barely batted an eye, perhaps they wanted to give them peace, perhaps they cared to mourn for their fallen partners more than a potential threat. Whatever the reason may be, the atmosphere was most certainly quiet.

     The Candle Pokémon was hopping up the stairs of the tower, eager to go to the final floor. Luck couldn't help but grimace with each floor they reach. Seeing the people being sorrowful and filled with grief, made her feel remorseful.

     The memories, dates, and death of these creatures, are forever etched within the blocks of stone. They could've fallen from natural causes, but what fears her the most, is if any of these deaths were caused by Plasma.

     They are a group in which is ruthless, unforgiving, and determined. She hasn't witnessed anything fortunately, only heard those events through murmurs. She hopes that whatever she may come across, she won't have to resort to brutality, unless necessary.

     While continuously walking, in the back of her mind she faintly remembered going to this place, quite a lot. It was to visit the resting ground for a family member's Pokémon. She couldn't remember which Pokémon it was, but she did remember not understanding what was happening. Of course she wouldn't, she was a child.

     But now that she was at an age of maturity, she knew full well what happened to them.

     Luck's eyes shifted to the Litwick, who stopped to check up on her, with a small expression of concern. "I was just lost in thought. We're almost there." the grunt looked up to see the afternoon orange of the sky.

     Finally reaching the top floor of the Celestial Tower, the soft cool wind and misty clouds brushed along their heads, inviting them. Both the trainer and Pokémon made their way around the raised platform and onto the small staircase.

     In front of them, was the tower's bell.

     The candle shuffled over to the bell, it's flame growing the same warm purple color it'd normally possess. Perhaps it's trying to get into contact with their previous owner. They knew that the bell could soothe Pokémon spirits, but maybe it could also soothe fallen humans.

     It looked over to the Plasma member, making a gesture to come close to it. However, she simply only shook her head, since she didn't have a purpose in ringing the bell. But the ghost type insisted, they wanted her to ring it for them.

     Sighing in defeat, Luck made her way over to the giant bell. She remembered her mother saying that the bell reflects the soul of whoever rings it. This made her feel hesitant, what sound will the girl begin to hear?

     She saw her own expression on the plates of gold of the old bell. She was much different than what she used to be. Direct, serious, and yet still sensitive. The grunt wondered if those exact words will come to mind as soon as the instrument will play.

     One more minute of hesitation and she pushed the heavy object with as much force as she could.

     The sound of the bell reverberates through the area...

     It was resounding but then monotone, turning into soft echoes.

     It was loud enough to echo, however it wasn't loud enough to change. Sticking in the same tone for most of the old instrument's movement. Until it finally came to a close with a soft and calm end.

     Luck was unclear if that was what she really was, but she kept it in mind. When she looked down to her Litwick, it was looking up to the sky.

     They had a face of peace, finally coming to terms with the passing of their previous trainer, they could finally move on from them. With a familiar blue glow, she was shocked to see that the Litwick was now evolving.

     Growing flexible limbs, a controlled flame, and a more contained body. It was definitely in a more mature fashion than previously. The Candle Pokémon has now evolved into a Lampent.

     The lamp floated over to their trainer, giving her a small hug against her shoulders. The grunt simply placed her hands on the base of the Pokémon, trying her best to pat it gently.

     "You ready to head back?" the Lampent nodded in enthusiasm, separating from the hug and getting retrieved back into its Pokéball.

     Luck felt a strange rush of wind from the left of her, looking up to see a Plasma helicopter coming her way. They landed adjacent to her, as one of the grunts lend out a hand to grab on. She was pulled back up and onto the vehicle.

     "Colress told us you were at the Celestial Tower after you finished your mission, why did you go there?" the pilot of the helicopter asked.

     There was a moment of silence before she could properly answer.

     "No reason, I just wanted to."

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