[File 13 - Frozen]

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     Luck could feel the rumble of the ship as the temperature decreased immensely. Hearing the scurrying of footsteps and shouting from outside. She began to sit up from her bed, looking out the window once more.

     The Kyurem Cannon was successful. The city they had arrived in was now covered in ice. Large and impenetrable shards of ice blocked many of the pathways, the frozen water had been spreading across the floor. The citizens cowered in the cold, barely able to move, as if they were becoming statues.

     "Opelucid City... so this is where it's been hiding..." was all the Plasma admin could have said. Within an instant, her door was slammed open.

     "Ma'am, Colress said he needs you on the field!" the grunt called out, Luck turning to her with a stoic expression.

     "Tell him I'll be there, I just need some time." they complied as they ran back out to presumably the upper deck.

     She remembered what she was tasked to do. After sending out the grunts, she was to track down the DNA Splicers location along with Zinzolin and the Shadow Triad. Clear any obstacle that was in her way.

     The admin remembered how enraged their leader seemed, perhaps impatient about how long their plan has been taking or fed up with how the goal was so close yet still far.

     She took in a deep breath before making her way out of her room and onto the main deck. There she saw a standard group of grunts, ready to hear their orders.

     "You are to lure Opelucid City's Gym Leader out, he is crucial for seeking the item we need! Don't let anyone stop you, no matter how capable they may be. Do I need to repeat myself?!"

     "No ma'am!" They responded quickly, gripping onto their Pokéballs in anticipation.

     Luck signalled them out as they all jumped to the ground and sent out their Pokémon. She was the last one to leave, noticing that Zinzolin and the triad had already began to make their moves.

     Her feet crunched on the ice and stone walkways, there was a freezing fog that made it somewhat difficult to see. The whirring of the helicopters overhead as well as the pittering of the other footsteps. The feeling of the cold air, as it makes her skin tense slightly.

     She pressed on her earpiece, "The grunts have been dispatched. What now?"

     "The plan has gone full force, now all you need to do is find the DNA Splicers. Do you understand, Luck?" his tone was more serious than usual.

     "I understand, sir."

     "Good, we wouldn't want our Lord Ghetsis to be madder than he already is." she could hear the subtle lightening of his voice, as if to not let her be intimidated. "If you succeed, your rank may have a chance to grow. So, quickly do the job and meet back on the Plasma Frigate."

     "Yes sir, I'll finish this as swiftly as I can." she continues to walk through the barren city. Managing to climb onto one of the icy rock formations for a better view, something in the middle ground caught her eye.

     One that caused a small audible reaction from her.

     "What is it? Did you find it?" Colress questioned, which led her to quickly dismiss it.

     "It's nothing sir. Just an obstacle." Luck clicked off.

     She remembered this trainer very well. Not the one met at Chargestone Cave, but his ally. The person who caused her a humiliating defeat. The brown spiky hair and the blue jacket, it was so clear to her. Next to them was a Lucario, ready to attack.

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