chapter 2

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*Skye's POV*

Nothing but pleasant was the smell of sulfur which traveled in my nose as soon as I walked in my room, it wasn't weird for me any more, I was used to it, I didn't know why it smelled like that, but with everything going on with me I honestly couldn't care less. I threw my backpack on the floor, all I wanted after a long boring day at school was a hot shower, I quickly got rid of my clothing and I jumped in the shower. Things were so different a month ago, I used to be a straight A student, I would call my parents daily since they're on a business trip as usual, I would be around my so called "friends" constantly, now I don't give a flying piece of shit about school or my parents or my "friends", I haven't talked to them in a whole month and they weren't even worried that shows how much they care about me. All I wanna do now is stay in my room and sleep cause now my nightmares have kinda stopped, Im dreaming about the blonde boy too, Although he's a creation of my own fantasy I wish he would be real, his voice is like my conciousness it would often advice me. After I was done with my shower I changed into comfy clothes,

I put my wet hair on a bun

and I hopped on my bed and I let the smell of sulfur drift me to sleep.
"hey" the blonde boy said while siting at his usual spot, the edge of my bed "hey" I greeted him giving him a smile  "Skye im with you everywhere, you need to trust me I'll show you the truth, I need to go my boss is calling" the boy turned into black smoke and I was now as confused as hell, I saw the smoke leaving through my window.


I woke up confused "im with you everywhere" "you need to trust me" "my boss is calling" his voice replayed, what the hell did he meant with that? "it's just your fantasy Skye" I said to myself "don't be so sure" his voice echoed through the room "im probably going crazy, yeah that's all" I said out loud again "babe your not goin' crazy, it's me" the boys voice said "no your not real you can't be real, its just my fantasy!" I screamed, that's when I saw black smoke entering my room from my slightly open window, the black smoke turned into a figure, and the figure turned to a person, well at least he looked like one. I backed away from him, god now's how much I wanted to scream "don't be scared" he said softly "you don't remember my Skye? I've been seeing you for a month, in your dreams" he said in the same tone "what in heaven" I exclaimed "guess again"

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