chapter 4

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"don't trust him, he will use you" a voice said but I couldn't see who it belonged to the room was black "what do you mean?"  I yelled confused

I woke up sweating, I moved the covers away from my body I got up and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower, after I finished I put on some clothes and I hurried downstairs to make my self some coffee witch didn't take much time.

Since today was Monday I had to at school so I dragged my ass in my impala 67 and got  to school


Today was boring like every other day I thought as I sat on the couch. As I was watching tv I felt something touching my neck I looked behind me and saw Luke holding a blade up to my neck "where is it?" he yelled in my face "where is what Luke?" I asked trying not to seem scared "the colt" he said "get away from her I herd a familiar voice yelling him and then I saw Luke running down the stairs fuck he was furious "wait what?, if youre Luke who is this?" I asked that's it im insane, Luke the one who was on the stairs, raised his hand and threw the dickhead Luke on the wall "Skye get a silver knife" he said "what the hell do you need that for?" I asked confused he just shot me a glare so I run in the kitchen and I was back with a silver knife "kill him" Luke told me "what the fuck Luke are you crazy?" I yelled "kill him" he repeated "im not going to paint my carpet with blood" I insisted "kill the son of a bitch" Luke yelled and his eyes turned black fuck I got closer to the dickhead Luke who was still pinned up against the wall I looked at the knife before I stabbed him straight in the heart I then twisted the knife then he disappeared I turned towards Luke "please tell me that thing is dead" I told him he just laughed "he's dead dont worry" he said "what the hell was it, your evil twin" I asked "no he was a shapeshifter, he can take anyones form" he explained "he said something about a colt" I told Luke "oh then he was talking about this" he said as he searched in his jacket, he pulled out a gun, it had some shit carved on it "this gun can can kill anything, every creature that lives out there" he said "and why did he want it, it belongs to you, right?" I asked him "well you see this belongs to no one whoever gets it first keeps it" he told me and I just noded "how did you felt when you killed that shapeshifter?" Luke asked, I have to  admin it was an unexpected question "it felt good, like really good" I said and Luke was smirking "I have something to tell you Skye, well you have something dark inside of you, when you were little a demon gave you some drops of demon blood but it wasn't on purpose" Luke told me "um how do you know?" I asked him it was the only thing that crossed my mind that moment "I may or may not be that demon"

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