chapter 3

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* Skye's POV *

My heart was racing "no it can't be" I said and I can say I was now crapping my pants "let me show you" he said softly, he approached me and took my hand "look into my eyes" I did what I was told I could see his gorgeous baby blue eyes turn pitch black "who are you?" I asked "my name is Luke" I took a deep breath and made another question "w-what are you?" deep down I knew exactly what he was I just didn't want to believe it "im a demon" he said "and why are you here?" I asked yet again "im protecting you" he said but his answer wasn't pleasing me "protecting me from what?" "from everything" he explained "and why should I believe you?" my point was clear he's a demon "baby, after all this time and after all our talks, babe im the only one left caring about you so let's hug it out, I know im a demon but you should be glad it's me and not some son of a bitch" I thought about it for a minute "you're right" I finally said and he crushed me to a hug "I didn't think you ment that" I was close to suffocation.


Me and Luke were sat on the couch "I don't get it thought how are demons created?" I asked curiously "well, when a human soul is in hell for a long time, all humanity is stripped out of it and it becomes a demon" he explained "did hell excited all along?"  "no, when god banned Lucifer from heaven he took a human and created the first demon, then god locked him in a cage and he's still in there" he said "I don't get it why did he created demons?" I asked confused "well when god created you Lucifer denied

'bowing before humans' so when he got kicked out he created demons as a screw you to god and then god locked him away" he explained again "so that means that you were once a human?" "yeah but that was a long time ago" he said "but if youre a kind of soul why do you own a body?" I asked "well I had some friends remaking me my old body" he answered "and why-" "you ask too many questions" he laughed

"instead of trying  getting to know me try to get to know yourself" he said in a more serious tone "what is that supposed to mean?" I asked "Skye do you really think that all the nightmares and that thing that you can see souls if you want means nothing, that's why im here in the first place" I was confused, more confused than I was before all these information were completely blocking my thoughts

"why did you go to Hell?" I asked bringing the subject back to him "I sold my soul" he said, I didn't want to take it any further so I stopped there "sorry Skye but I have to go my boss will be looking for me, go get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning babe good night" he said, then his body turned in black smoke which left from the nearest window "good night Luke"

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