💛You can ONLY💛

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(Hi how're you all? I have been super busy with studies and exams so I am sorry I haven't write for long time! But this story will not be anymore for long travel but I hope you enjoy!)

Chapter 19

Deep inside of the building, underground where Creamy and his mom was kept safe, Eggman rushed there and walked front for them,
-We should go now...
-All right. Cream's mom says while holding creamy in she's arms.

-I'm sorry to put you to this but now run from here (Eggman opens secret room by turning statues hand to sky, and the door opens) this tunnel is long but you can do it, it takes you to nearest village, take cover from there and HURRY!

-Thank you mr. Robotnik, by why you're...
-Let's just say that I have made a promise whit little blue devil but just GO!
Eggman pushes them inside the half dark tunnel with one lamp and closes the door.

Back at Sonic and his friends they have been planning on plan for saving the Christmas core and the whole world around at the hotel lounge room table. Everything was normal until it started to shaken everywhere.

-What's wrong?! Amy runs to next Sonic.
-It seems as earthquake... Silver says and start to float and search something large to make a cover for them all.

-There's no time for that! Shadow says and takes a hold from Sonic hand.
-... this place is going to collapse! Shadow yells and everyone started to run and also other guests at the hotel was scared and taking some cover under tables and doors.

The floor started to crack.
-Weeeee should GOOOO!
Vector yells and they all started to run to the front door. Floor seals started to get broken and fall of. Kristal glass lamps where shaking a lot and some parts falling down.

Everyone was running out and Sonic saw some other customers as running but they where older folks. Sonic runs to them and carries one by one out.

All from Sonic friends where outside and started to worry where Sonic is, Shadow runs back to hotel what was shaking a lot harder and saw Sonic as laying down.
Shadow runs next to him and tries to wake him up without any reaction and saw his right leg as injured.
When shadow had Sonic in his arms and was using -CHAOOOS-!
Everything collapsed, hotel was down and huge smoke cloud appeared.
-I have to go for save sonic! Amy says and hacks hard because it was hard to breath.
-Shadow is with him! They will be all right but now we have to get safe!
Silver says and takes Any with him when everyone is going away from the smoke to safety.

Shadow had appeared to some huge basement.
-How where here? As no where even I was transporting us to...
-... to outside right right...

Comes familiar voice behind Shadow, he turns around and saw only darkness...
-I'm here~
It says from left side... there's no one...
-SHOW YOUR SELF! Shadow yells and throw chaos spear.

-oh~ sad~ miss me~
-well fine, I come out... dear brother~
Shadow saw some shape in front of himself by walking closer.
-... eclipse... why are you here and WHERES SONIC!

-Don't yell! Damn~ no need to ruuuch~ he's right now fighting with the agent elf I think...
-you THINK!
-... yes I do because I jus saw them and Sonic was all ready very beaten up... poor Sonic... probably all ready dead...

Shadow takes a grip of Eclipses neck and asks again,
-Where... is HE
-... ugh, well you see him at hell-

Comes sound from wall behind them and it falls down with power.
Water pipes are broken and it goes every where...

Shadow lose his grip while sawing Sonic in super mode. Shadow runs to Sonic and when Sonic turns his face...
-... Fleetway

Behind them Elf stands up and makes a attack but Fleetway strikes back and smashing him down using much of power.
-... don't move~ riiight hahahahahaaaaaaa!
-Soni-... fleetway! Just calm down! Shadow tries to speak some sense.
-No~ I like this way~

Fleetway goes front to Shadow and straight started to touch him, getting closer and kisses to neck area.
-Oh brother, I didn't know you had a lover~
Eclipse says and started to laugh very hard, fleetway opens his eyes and in a flash he was front of eclipse and says...
-I'm gonna grip your tongue out.

In a same moment when eclipse had his mouth open, Fleetways had grip on his tongue and twisted it out.
He screams and falls down with shock.
-Sonic! Enough!
Shadow touched fleetway shoulder and he turns his head and says with wide smile
-... I wanna have... you
And gives a deep kiss, his tongue was touching all around Shadows mouth and Fleetway also started to rubbing shadows tail and chest...

"Aah... I like how he's doing it but he's not now him self..." Shadow though and tries to stop Fleetway.
Fleetway takes his hand to shadows crotch area and rubs there.
-I knooow you enjoyyy this~
Fleet way says and kisses back before shadow had change to answer.
-Just sto-... umm

Shadow started to blush hard and when Fleetway pushes his fingers in Shadow losses his balance and Fleetway takes Shadow to his lap.
-there's better~...
-...wha-what did u do to me...... shadow was powerless and suddenly very exhausted.
-well... one, it's the Christmas core, it is taking your energy because part of you is chaos as the core is also... and I'm now having all chaos emeralds~ so I could say I am sucking you, literally~

And fleetway started to suck Shadow nipples and rubbers his thing.

-Ahh ahh no...... right... now... ahhh
-... we don't have hurry~ we have plenty of time for fuuuun~

Fleetway takes Shadow to lay down and - it looks so... handsome~
And rubbers Shadows thing.

-Aaah just.. ah, do it aaal rea-Ah~
-As you liiike~
And Fleetway takes it to his mouth.
He rubbers it by his tongue and moves it around of it.

Shadow was powerless and tries to make a chaos spear by focusing all his energy and power to it, he got a small one but just enough to throw it to the Roof...

-hmp? Why don't you enjoooy~?
-I... I wanna do it when Sonic has sense back! Shadow says while lifting his back up and from roof falls small peace of it top to Fleetways head...
-OUCHHH! Guak... I liiike that world~

It was large enough to take out And Sonic falls down and turns blue again.
-... I'm sorry buddy but let's have fun when we get this over with...


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