AMKE (Friday)

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Went to Milwaukee not an easy place to go because driving 3 and a half hours is not fun. It's not especially by yourself. Left a bit late because I have a condition called loving my bed and being too stubborn to get out of it. First stopped at a diner in the middle of no-wheresville and had a mediocre meal. Kept moving only stopping for gas. Arrived at Milwaukee at around 4:30 PM. Went to my hotel to find that it is a mile away from the convention and it's February so yeah I am not walking to the Wisconsin Center. Spent most of the time taking pictures of people dressed up as fictional characters. My favorite being a guy cosplaying as Dave Chappelle as Prince (the deceased musician if you needed clarity on who Prince was). The food is better than at Daisho con as local restaurants had stalls that we could buy food from. There was a stall from  a Ramen restaurant that must be in Milwaukee somewhere. 

After attending a panel on Bad fanfiction I went to Club AMKE. Ordered a cocktail consisting of club soda, lime juice, and vodka. The didn't have ginger beer to balance the flavor. I tried to dance only to look like an action figure come to life. Left went back to my hotel room and got ready for the next day.

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