AMKE (Saturday)

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Do something that I have not done in a long time... I woke up before 7 PM.  Went and got breakfast at a dinner that is connected to a different hotel. Ate pancakes and then got a Lyft to the convention only to find out that I forgot my pass in my hotel room and I had to change my drop off point to my hotel and get to the 7th floor because that's where my hotel room is at. Got my badge got another Lyft and went to the convention center.

Took photos of cosplayers, bought a couple of T-shirts from the vendor hall and ran into an old co worker of mine back when I was in college. We agreed to meet at the Brat House and ate lunch their. We made a solemn vow never to work there again. I ate my brat and he ate his burger while we caught up on what has been going on since we last worked together. After we were done eating we went our separate ways and hope that we can see each other again. 

Went back to the convention and took more photos. My favorite cosplayer was someone dressed as Geralt from the Witcher series. Regretted not starting an impromptu singing of "Toss a Coin to your Witcher."

Went to a Napolese style pizza place where the pizza good the beer is Italian, and the tiramisu is to die for. It costs eight dollars but so worth it. (My mouth is watering just writing about it).

 Went to another Bad Fanfiction reading panel where I laughed so hard that I felt my side about to stitch open. After that was over it was rave time where I tried to dance and fail miserably and question why I try to dance in the first place. I was happy at this rave because the music was some of the best I ever heard at club like setting. MADGRRL and Lady Fate are the standout for me and I was happy that the attendees applied deodorant and took showers regularly and I stayed longer than I usually do. The dance hall may have been bigger than it usually was.

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