Chapter 5

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Hannah's P.O.V
Once I and got ready for school, I went and knocked for Megan who I knew would be moaning about because we have school. She opened the door, before I could even knock.
"Right, let's go that dump that I absolutely hate and have to spend so much of my precious life in a place that I don't want to be, i swear they teach us that us kids should be able to have the rights of freedom, and then they put us into hell for seven hours a day, five days a week. What a drag, how I hate being a teenager" Megan groaned as we walked on.
"Look you have been moaning so much, that we are actually at school now" I chuckled, and walked though the school gates.
"You getting a sausage roll or going straight to form?" I asked.
"Form, why would I get a sausage rolls they are minging here" Here we go, Megan's moaning again.
"Shut up moaning, and just get your butt to form, we are nearly late"
I rushed upto form, slammed the door open, making eyes on me.
"Well done Han, everyone's staring at us now" Megan said from behind making everyone laugh.
I went and sat down in my seat, which was next to Megan.
"Girls, you was late and I let you off yesterday, and you just walked in on the bell, I think I might have to give you a detention for after school" Mr Mac said from his desk.
"Oh sir seriously don't be so horrible we are your favourite pupils obviously so let us off" Megan was obviously being sarcastic, because we obviously wasn't his favourite students, obviously.
"Obviously I'll let you off again today but obviously I willdefinitely not let you off next time" Sir smirked, and typed so,etching on the computer.
"Chat among yourselves" Sir said, as he walked out of the room.
"Sir is such a jerk" Megan laughed at her own comment.
"I know, but at least he let us off" I said smiling, and giving Meg a high five.
"Fair point" She smirked, and talked to other people.


Harvey's P.O.V
After science, my last two lessons of the day, had finished, I went back to my usual meeting spot with Meg and Hannah. I started scrolling through all the fans tweet and messages, when someone snatched my phone out of my hand.
"Give me it back now" I said angrily, because it was my phone.
I looked upto the person to see it was Megan and Hannah. Megan had my phone in her hand and was typing something in.
"Megan what are you typing?" I said, moving my head towards the screen of my phone.
"Don't you worry mate, you'll find out" She tilted the phone so that I couldn't see.
"I really hate you" I smirked, making Hannah laugh.
"I hate you too, but I'm not complaining" Meg started getting sassy with me. Aw.
"Well that makes a change" Hannah said, making me laugh.
Megan gave me the face of death.
"What you laughing at you jerk" Meg said as she pushed me lightly.
"Don't get the wrong side of Meg Meg, just because I'm more popular than you" I winked, and made her laugh.
"Shut up you fag, get a life" She winked back copying my actions, still with my phone in her hand.
"Ok give me my phone back now please my dear" I acted all posh.
"No, you chase me to get your phone" With that she ran off. Mine and Hannah's heads nodded at her, and we sprinted down the road to catch her.


Megan's P.O.V
I put Harvey's phone in my pocket because I knew he would kill me if I smashed his iPhone 6.
Sprinting all the way, I ran back to my house as quickly as possible got in and locked the door, locking Hannah and Harvey outside.
"Oh my god Meg don't be a prick" I could hear Hannah and Harvey laughing at each other.
Ignoring Harvey, I took loads of selfies on Harvey's phone, made all his wallpapers to me, and I decided to spam his phone, from texting him from my actual phone.
"Oh my god Megan please let us in now, its so cold!" I could hear Hannah's teeth gritting together.
"Fine, well I might" I giggled, and unlocked the door.
I ran to the sofa, and hid Harvey's phone in my pocket, and zipped it up.
"Right well I am going to get food" Hannah said walking straight through to the kitchen.
"And where's my phone?" Harvey said, as he sprinted up to me once Hannah had gone out of sight.
I held my hands out so that he couldn't hit my face, he landed on the sofa, and eventually got up, and held hold of my hands, and sat on the sofa with his knee caps.
"Now wheres my phone?" Harv said, smiling cutely.
"I don't know" I licked my lips, and giggled lightly.
Without even realising he was going to do it, he placed his lips softly onto mine...

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