Chapter 18

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Megan's P.O.V
The tears flooded down my face. Not just because of the fact that I was just about to get beaten up with a baseball bat, but also because Charlie had just got beaten with it, and he had bruises, cuts, rashes and glashes of blood running down various places all around his body.
Why does it have to be me?


Once the two men had finished what they were talking about they took their attention onto me.
"So then, are you ready because we know we definitely are!" The man that hit Charlie was getting into position.
They started counting down. I look across the room at Charlie, it looked like a tears was dropping down his face. This made me set off even more.
Just as I was about to wipe the tears away, a bang was occurring around the room. A great big thump was plastered across my stomach and my arm. I winced in pain, and tears come out considerably more.
After a few more beatings, the man stopped. I look around, curious of what was happening, I had only about seven, Charlie had thousands!
"Strip!" The man demanded, making me feel so frightened. "Top off now!" He bellowed.
Why do I need to do this? Charlie Lenehan is right in front of me, considering he is famous, and two strangers who I met a couple hours back, I have to strip in front of them, and probably do stuff I don't want to do. The guy unclipped the metal that was around my hands, and allowed me to take off my shirt. I did so, and left me in my genes and my bra.
"Trousers off!" He bellowed again.
I was left stood in just my underwear. I looked over to Charlie and saw him just staring at my body, his mouth wide and his eyes the same.


They felt around my body, down below, and up top. Both start licking there lips and touching me at you know where.
"Bra!" I started to make my way to the clip, but a pair of hands beat me, and tried undoing it, but they just pinged my bra, what the hell was happening?
I looked around, and saw Harvey head locking the guy, and the other one kicking Harvey where the sun don't shine.
I quickly went and grabbed all my clothes and put them on. By time I had finished, Charlie and Harv were already thrashing them in the fight.
Pulling two of my ten favourite boys with me, I ran out of the building, leaving the terrors behind.

First, Who? Second, Love You - Harvey CantwellWhere stories live. Discover now