Mailbu's finest

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It's the final night of our weekend get away in Malibu. These past couple of days have been absolutely amazing. Tony and I took some really cute pictures on the beach earlier,and I posted them on insta and tony did too. Not even 5 minutes after he posted picture of us kissing with the caption "my beautiful baby" I had at least 3 thousand follow requests. I didn't feel like going through all of them so I just made my account public for everyone to see what I post. Before I knew it I had hate comments from jealous fans like "you're body isn't as nice as you think","you don't deserve tony","you break his heart I'll come find you","you look like a hoe",and etc. not going to lie even though tony and I have been together for almost 2 months now the comments still hurt. No matter how many good comments their are the negative ones still pop out to me. After I eventually got over myself and realized I'm the one tony wants I asked Tony,Drea,and Teal if they wanted to go to Malibu's finest club tonight club energy. "Is that even a question? Yes of course. Let's wait to go though,so we're not the first ones there" Ondreaz said to me. It was around 9 O'clock at the time I asked so that was perfect they wanted to wait,because the whole reason I wanna go is to get teal and drea together. The whole time we've been here they haven't left each other's sides. "Come on Teal lets go to my room and we can get ready. Boys were leaving here at 10:45 so be ready or you're being left" I said while walking up the stairs. The boys went into tony's room to find an outfit to wear and I'm pretty sure they showered too. "Teal I hope you know that Drea likes you" I told her as I scrambled through my closet to find clothes. "Do you really think so?? I have a huge crush on him I'm just nervous to say something" she told me as she straightened her hair. I changed in the bathroom and said "yes,the boy hasn't left your side since we left Vegas. Make a move on him tonight".
~Tony's Pov~
Ondreaz and I were in my room changing so we were on time to leave. "Ondreaz are you gonna make a move on her or not. She's completely into you and it's obvious you're into teal" I said looking at him while he kept looking for a shirt to wear. "I'd love to but I'm nervous. What if I get rejected" he said turning to me with a face of worry. "Look man just dance with her tonight. You won't get rejected. That's a fact" I said patting his shoulder and leaving. It was 10:40 pm and both Drea and I were waiting on the couch for the girls. "There you too are. I thought we were gonna have to leave" I said while staring at Presley while she walked down the stairs. She was so beautiful,and she was all mine.
~Presley's Pov~
We arrived at the club and tony whispered In my ear when we got In "what's up sexy". I giggled and asked him to go get me a drink. He did what I asked and I looked at both Drea and teal saying "wow what a good song to dance too" I winked at Ondreaz after saying this so hopefully he would get what I was trying to say. He didn't though. Neither of them touched each other for an hour after we got there. Tony and me on the other hand were different. I was throwing it back on him and we were just having the time of our life. "I can't stand it anymore. They both wanna dance with each other" I told tony while walking to teal to drag her on the dance floor. Tony dragged Ondreaz too and all four of us were dancing. It was extremely crowded so we all were pretty close. After about 20 minutes I looked at teal and realized she was starting to twerk on Ondreaz. Of course drew reacted and grabbed her hips. He then took her some where private. *45 minutes passes* "babe they've been gone for 45 minutes we need to go find them" I told tony. "No we don't. For all we know they could be having sex right now" tony said laughing. "Shut up no they're not. Let's go" I said pulling tony's arm. We both walked around a corner to an empty hall and there they were teal was pinned against a wall by Ondreaz and they were making out. "Looks like our plan worked" I told tony and we left.
*an hour passed and we all arrived back at the beach house* we were all tired,so after we said our
goodnights I went into tony's room and slept with him while Ondreaz went into Teal's room and slept with her. Over all tonight was a pretty successful night.

It started with a "hi"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz