Chapter 3

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"Okay, we've got the electrical, water, air conditioning, rent on the apartment, and of course the rent for the cafe." Mags sighed rubbing her temples in frustration. Evelyn sat on the couch going over the budget for this month.

"Well, we could cut the grocery bill down by a lot if we don't get as much flower for the muffins." Evelyn shrugged still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that the way they are going they might not have a home in a month. Evelyn looked up from the computer screen when she heard Mags rummaging throughout the kitchen. she looked at her questioningly. "What are you doing?" Mags grabbed a trash bag from the cabinet and started throwing things in it.

"Making money. Hopefully, some of this stuff is worth enough for at least one month's rent. Hopefully more."

"Wait, we shouldn't have to sell your family heirlooms to be able to stay on our feet." Evelyn tried reasoning with her.

"There's no other way, Evelyn, from the damage the battle caused on the cafe and the fact that we were running dry, we won't have a home. We might as well move into the shop." Evelyn thought about it.

"Wait, you know that new regular, Sam? Maybe I can ask if he can help out? He is laying on a bed money with nothing to do with it." Mags shook her head.

"I can't ask for money from other people, It will make us look weak." At this Evelyn stood and walked over to where Mags was still putting old dishes in bags.

"Hey, it's not weak. It's calling in a favor, So if they need help, later on, we can help them because they helped us. Stop being stubborn and let people help." Evelyn leaned on the counter with her arms crossed under her chest. Mags finally stopped putting dishes in the bags and looked at Evelyn. she sighed and gently dropped the bag to the floor, making her way over to Evelyn. Mags held out her arms inviting her into a hug. Evelyn gave in knowing she doesn't give out hugs like candy.

They stood like that a while just enjoying each other presence. Mags pulled away and grabbed Evelyn by the wrist.

"Come on, I want to show you something." Evelyn followed not really having a choice from the grip Mags had on her wrist. She followed her out of the apartment and into the elevator where they stood in silence, Mags' grip still tight on her arm. When the doors opened, Mags dragged Evelyn up the narrow stairs to the roof. She finally let go of her wrist to get the jammed door open. The door swung open with a loud creak hitting the side of the wall.

Mags moved out of the way so Evelyn could climb up first with her not far behind. Once on the roof, Evelyn slowly walked to the edge of the towering apartment building.

"Don't look down," Mags yelled trying to shut the door. Evelyn chuckled and sat on the edge letting her legs dangle over. To be honest the thought of falling didn't bother her. She trusted Mags to be there even before she would start losing balance.

She looked up and saw the New York skyline with the sun reseeding, casting a golden glow onto the taller buildings. She could stay out there all night if she really wanted to. Mags finally got the door shut and made her way over to Evelyn. She slowly lowered herself, careful not to lose her balance. For a while, the two enjoyed the light breeze and loud noises coming from the street below.

"You know, when I die I don't want an extravagant funeral, I just want a small ceremony with my ashes, cause who wants their body rotting under 6 feet of dirt when instead they can have a special place for their ashes to be spread. There shouldn't be a place for loved ones to go and pay respects yearly. People could just keep a memory of the person they were before they died."Evelyn looks over at Mags with a concerned face.

"What brought this up?"

"You know what? I want my ashes spread on top of the cafe at night overlooking this beautiful skyline. It won't be solemn it will be peaceful as I fly off." Evelyn was thrown off by the seemingly random conversation.

"What's going on to make you bring this up?" She looks over to Mags to see her staring out with tears running down the side of her cheek. She rushed up and wrapped her arms around the back of Mags' neck. "You know you can talk to me. What's going on?" Mags takes in a shaky breath wiping away her tears.

"I have stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer."

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