Chapter 4

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Throughout the passing months, Mags got paler. She started to lose her hair after starting chemo. Usually, this means the chemo is working, but in her case it wasn't working at all. Since Mags' health was declining, Evelyn stepped up in the cafe. She started fully running the cafe by herself. On busy days Sam would come in and help, but almost always he would run out early saying something about work after receiving a phone call. It didn't really bother Evelyn, she was just happy for the help.

Mags' health continually worsens. It had gotten to a point where Evelyn had to take Mags' to her chemo appointments, not trusting the people of New York to be able to get her there safely in one piece. When they pulled up to the clinic Evelyn got out and walked over to Mags' side. She opened the door and helped pull her up onto her feet. She waits for Mags' to get her footing before they walk inside. The nurse helped Mags' settle and hooked her up to her IV bag and left to help others. Evelyn usually brings a book to read to Mags. Today she brought Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Their goal is to read all 7. Evelyn opens the book to chapter ten Halloween. They had just finished defeating the troll and Professor McGonagall gave 5 points to Gryffindor. Mags argued with her about it though. To her, she actually took 5 points from Hermione and gave 5 each to Ron and Harry. So technically to her they haad 10 before she took Hermione's points off. Evelyn rolled her eyes and continued reading.

"But from that point on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them." Evelyn finished the chapter and looked up at Mags struggling to breathe. "Nurse! Please I need some help here!" Two nurses run over to Mags.

"We need a doctor in here! Code Blue!" All at once, Mags is hooked up to a heart monitor and is put onto a stretcher. Evelyn is rushed out of the room while they make an incision on her throat and put in a tube. Instantly the monitor stops beeping so rapidly. The nurses and doctor slowly start leaving the room they put her in. The doctor walks up to Evelyn and looks at her with sympathy in his eyes.

"We've done all we could, but Margaret will never be able to breathe on her own again, her body is very weak and she is entering organ failure. It would probably be best to say your goodbyes now." Evelyn was stunned at what the doctor said. She stood outside of the room door the thoughts running through her head. Mags can't leave her now she is all she has left. Tears brim at the edge of her eyes as she timidly walks into the room.

"Mags?" She says shakily. She looks over to the bed where Mags is laying with her eyes closed. She looks much paler than she has over the last few months. Evelyn sits down on the chair next to her bed. She grabbed Mags' hand gently as if it would break into a million pieces. "Mags, please don't leave. Your all I have. You might think I can run the cafe by myself, but I can't, not without your help." The steady beeping in the background slowly turns into a solid noise. Tears are now pouring down her eyes.

"Mags, You can't leave. You helped me, you gave me a home, a family. You can't just leave, I still need you." The doctor walks in and sighs.

"Time of death.... 11:42 A.M."

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