Chapter 1: Strangers

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  • Dedicated to Polly Hancock

Chapter 1: Strangers

In my garden, there are flowers that are pink and yellow. The smell of them is magnificent. I wish I could sleep in my garden, all night, every night. But I can't.

In the morning, I picked the first clothes I could find in my closet. I knew that my parents would be going out to the movies and I would have to watch my sister. Here I am now the only time I could leave the house. I don't mind watching my sister, it's enjoyable, and I get paid for it. My parents have said that I could only leave her if she is watching TV. I think I could leave her when she is doing almost anything. She's nine years old and I am 16. But I have to stick to my parent's rules. I sat there for a long time just looking at the flowers, trees, and animals. Waiting for something to happen. And, something did happen! A boy came walking down my street I didn't see his face until he turned my way.

"Hello," He said in a kind voice. I had a bad feeling about talking back to him but I did anyway.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Ryan, do I know you?" He said.

"No," I said back.

"How old are you?" Ryan asked in the sweetest voice.

"16," I said bewildered.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" Ryan asked.

"Umm, you don't even know my name." I tried anything and everything to stop him. I could see Ryan's Adam's apple in his throat.

"When I saw you it was a fantastic feeling" Ryan starts.

Before he could finish I ran into my house at the speed of light. Shut the door, locked it and sat next to my sister. I am crazily scared. I hope I never have to see him again. I waited until I heard the doorbell ring and I opened it for my parents.

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