Chapter 1

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When you live in heaven, perfection is key. And Seabrooktopia is the vision of perfection.

The City of Angels.

Perfect little houses with perfect little families scattered across the clouds. Dress your best. Stay in line. Keep your mouth shut. The only way to survive in a place like this.

Traditions are also held at the utmost importance in Seabrooktopia. Boys are taught trades and sports. Teaching them strength and how to provide for their future families. While girls are taught to sew, cook, and clean. Teaching them to be the perfect, obedient housewives that was expected of them.

"Don't you ever just wanna know what else is out there Bree?" Addison asked dreamily with her chin propped up in her hand. Their lesson long ended but the two girls still sitting to finish their projects and chat a while.

"Hm, no, not really." She responded casually, continuing to work diligently on her sewing. Addison's sitting forgotten beside her on the table. Bree noticed her distraction and gently nudged her with a smirk. "But you have? What could you possibly want from out there that you can't have here? You're the bar people set for themselves because you're so perfect! They all want to be as perfect as you!" Bree complimented. Addison pouted.

"But I don't want to be on a pedestal! I just wanna be young and make mistakes without disappointing everyone!" She argued, her wings flaring out from her emotional rant. "I just want to be myself and find someone who understands me. Let's me live my life and go on adventures! I want excitement! I want so much more than to just be someone's wife for the rest of my life." She slumped forward and her wings droop behind her.

Bree softens for her friend, gently rubbing her shoulder. "Don't worry Addy. You'll find a guy to fall in love with and you won't mind how things work anymore. You just have to be patient till then." She assured her friend with the best of intentions, even if it was ultimately having the opposite effect.

Addison sighed and nodded, grabbing her sewing to finish her hem with a heaviness in her heart that she couldn't shake. She knew Bree was just following what they've always been taught. She didn't mean to shoot down her dreams. But it still hurt. No one understood her here. She just wished she could show them that life could mean so much more!

Once they finished their projects, the two girls headed to the front of the school to head home. Waiting out the main doors was the quarterback of the football team, the most popular boy in school. His brown hair styled to perfection and a jawline that could cut diamonds. But he had nothing unique about him. He was a perfect cookie cutter boy from Seabrooktopia.

"Hey! Addison!" He called, running up to them as soon as they came into sight, a big smile on his face.

"Hi Liam. What's up?" She asked much less enthusiastically than he was acting.

"So, um, I was just thinking, well ya know the homecoming game is coming up, I just thought-" He was stumbling over his words and nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot. Both girls knew exactly where this was going and glanced at each other from the corners of their eyes. Bree cut in to interrupt.

"I'll just leave you two to talk! I'll see you tomorrow Addy!" Before Addison could stop her, Bree spread her wings and flew off in a hurry. Addison was slow to turn back to the flustered boy in front of her.

"Anyways, so I was just gonna ask if, um, you had someone to go with yet?" He asked timidly. Addison tightened her hold on the shoulder strap of her bag.

"That's very nice of you to offer," she started and his eager smile made her feel bad, "but I wasn't really planning on going with anyone to the game." She tried letting him down easy. He looked at her in surprise then it shifted to confusion.

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