Chapter 4

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Eliza came back from putting their dirty dishes away to find Addison already passed out with her head laying in Zed's lap, his hand petting her hair affectionately. "Don't get attached." She said firmly. "You know she's not staying."

He knew she was right. He knew she'd go back in less than a year's time, when her wings were fully grown. His chest burned at the thought. He could just picture how beautiful she was going to be; strong, pure white wings carrying her majestically across the sky that her blue eyes put to shame.

"I know." Zed sighed, he thought that maybe he'd finally found the one. It was fate, he thought, that she'd fallen from the sky when he happened to be walking the border of town. But he definitely couldn't make her stay in a hell hole like he was stuck in if she wasn't supposed to be there. She deserved to be in Seabrooktopia. She was perfect enough to live there. He, on the other hand, was not.

"We'll go tell your dad about her in the morning." Eliza said, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"What?! No!" He quickly countered. Eliza's expression showed her shock from his sudden outburst.

"What do you mean 'no'? He'll know the best course of action to get her back where she belongs." She tried to reason but Zed shook his head determined.

"He might not even let her leave. You're right, she doesn't belong here but he might not see her falling as an accident." Zed sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. "He's gonna change the laws soon. The clipping age is gonna drop from eight to six." He informed his friend, and she was visibly stunned so he continued. "It's insane! They're just kids. Eight was bad enough but six? I don't trust him not to hurt her." He admitted so quietly she almost missed it, gently brushing the blonde strands away from the girl's sleeping face before looking back up to Eliza with a pleading look. "I can't let him clip her."

Eliza could see the desperation written all over his face, the way his shoulders were slumped. She took a deep breath then let it go. There was no way this was going to end well. But she trusted her friend.

"Fine. But you'll have to find somewhere else for her to stay. My parents will be back in a few days from their business trip." She compromised, crossing her arms over her chest. "But she's going back as soon as her wings grow in. Nine months. No longer." Zed's smile twitched the corners of his lips.

"Yeah! Deal!" He agreed, excited that Eliza would keep this secret from his dad, without a fight no less!

Eliza smiled at her best friend's happy expression. It usually takes him a few days after clipping to look like that again. "I'm going to bed. Just come get me if you need anything." She said casually as she left towards the adjacent bedroom.

Zed sighed, returning his focus to the sleeping angel on his lap. She may not be staying by his side forever, but maybe he could cherish his time with her while it lasted. The rest would be up to fate.


Addison sighed softly when she's pulled out of her sleep by the faint morning light as it landed on her face through the curtains. She shifted to stifle her yawn and stretched her arms over her head. Her memories were jogged as she realized her rather firm pillow was actually Zed's thigh.

She peeked up at him and saw he was still asleep, back propped against the wall as not to disturb her. She sighed as her features softened. He had been so caring and sweet throughout this entire situation, thinking of her needs before his own.

She moved to sit up and rolled her shoulders, her wounds weren't nearly as sore as they were the night before. Careful not to move too quickly, she stood off the bed and peeked out the window. She had no idea where she was or what time it was but if the light bustle of the streets had anything to say about it, she'd assume it was after breakfast time as people were getting out and starting their day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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