Chapter 2

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Angels sentenced to exile were given the title of Fallen. Never to be allowed back into Seabrooktopia.

Them or any of their offspring. Their hair colored green and wings grown in the complete opposite color of an angel's usual pure white color, pitch black. Even if a Fallen tried, they'd be instantly recognized as an exile in the city of angels.

Living on Earth as a Fallen was never easy.

Having to work so hard for what little they could get to survive. And it's a struggle daily to keep themselves hidden from the humans. Luckily, humans were very eccentric with their styles, so their green hair doesn't stand out.

And the pain. The pain they had to endure to stay blended in.

"You know the drill, Bud." Zector said sympathetically, giving her shoulder a strong pat. Zed nodded stiffly, a squeeze of each hand gives him a little courage.

His two best friends were holding his hands. The three of them never missed each other's clippings, ever since their first. It was a way to show they'd always have each other. No matter what other struggles they went through, they'd always be there.

Zed's thoughts were interrupted when Zector offered his wooden bite gag in front of his mouth. His teeth fit perfectly into the grooves he'd created from his countless clippings as Zector bucked the leather strap around the back of his head. Zed's heart rate accelerated. His adrenaline pumping. It never got easier.

Zector's gloved hand grips his premature left wing. Zed squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing heavy with anticipation. And in one swift motion, a cleaver slices straight through the bone connecting it to his back.

A scream rips past his throat. Every fiber of his being scorched with burning fire. He could feel the steady pour of blood down his spine. Zector was quick to cover it with gauze and apply pressure. Though it wasn't a long enough break.

Just moments later, he grips the right, hacking it off as well. He wasn't sure if the first or the second were worse. His entire body stiffening straight before slumping forward limply, Eliza and Bonzo the only things keeping him from hitting the ground. Zector worked quickly to bandage him up with the soothing herbs to ease the burning sensation before removing the bite gag, saliva dripping off his lip once the piece was missing.

"Ok Buddy. All done." Zector assured then turned to his friends supporting him from collapsing. "Get him home for some rest." Eliza nods and motions for Bonzo to help get him up.

They're careful to avoid his shoulder blades as much as possible, pulling the button up over his arms and loosely buttoning only a few to get him home. Zed was barely conscious through it all, leaning heavily on his friends.

"Thanks Zector. See ya next week." Eliza thanked somberly. The man was cleaning but paused to give her a condoling nod.

It was lucky that their little village wasn't very big. It didn't take as long to get home. The rays of sun barely peeking out over the roofs around them. Zed let out a quiet sigh, the brisk morning chill feeling good against the burn of his back.

Neither of his friends knocked when they reached Zed's house, bursting through the door and basically carrying him straight to his room. As gently as possible, they lay him on his bed, face down, wounds up.

Bonzo rushed to the kitchen to get him a damp rag and a glass of water. Eliza sighed as she sat beside him on the edge of the bed.

"We'll let you rest, Z. You need anything from us before we go?" She asked gently. Zed turned his head to peak at her from the corner of his eye, exhaustion and pain evident even in his glance.

"M-my dad's not here?" He asked weakly. It wasn't like him not to be waiting at home after his clippings. Odd, actually. Eliza gave him a sad shake of the head.

"No. Do you want me to go look for him?" She asked, knowing how terrible it feels to be completely alone after a clipping. Disappointment flooded his features but he shakes his head as best as he could against the pillow.

"Don't bother. I-I'll catch up with you guys later." He told her before burying his face.

Bonzo came back and hurried over with the water and rag, only for Eliza to stop him before touching their friend. She shook her head sadly. The big, silent, softie sat the items aside on his nightstand, signing to Eliza asking if their friend was alright. She nodded and got up to lead him out, pointing out how Zevon was missing. Bonzo immediately understood, signing that he wished so much he could give him a giant comforting hug.

Zed was passed out before they'd even hit the front door, his body in too much stress to think about confronting his father.


He jerked awake to the sound of his bedroom door creaking open, immediately wincing from the dull throbbing behind his shoulders. He squinted into the darkness of his room, the small figure cowering against the door frame.

"Zoey?" He called hoarsely. He forced himself up on his elbows to sit up, hissing between his teeth when the throb flared from the movement.

His suspensions were confirmed as his little sister came flying, almost literally, to his side. She tried grabbing his arm to help. How? He wasn't quite sure. He gently brushed her off as he stiffly finished sitting up.

"What are you doing in here? Where's Dad?" Zed asked gruffly. His voice still rough from a dry throat, reaching for the glass of water Bonzo had so graciously left for him. Zoey shifted on her feet, eyes on the ground and her black wings doing a slight flutter from nervousness.

"He's not here. I, I didn't wanna bother you, but I wanted to make sure you were ok." She admitted quietly. Zed softened.

"I'm ok Zoe. It's already much better." He assured, leaning forward to wrap an arm around her for a hug. She gladly hugged her big brother, carefully of course, around his middle. Zed pulled back with furrowed brows. "Dad's not here though? What time is it?"

Zoey shook her head, eyes still downcast. "After 5." She whispered.

"What?!" Zed shouted. Zoey's shoulders shot up to her ears as she jumped. He took a deep breath to calm the rage bubbling up in his chest. "Sorry Zoe. He didn't even go get you from your lessons?" He continued to ask. Zoey shook her head. Zed growled deep in his chest but forced himself to get up onto his feet, rubbing his palm into her scalp playfully, thankful for the giggle that left her in response. "It's not your fault. Sorry you had to walk home alone today. Let's get you something to eat. What do'ya say?" He smiled down at her.

"Yeah! Grilled cheese for dinner!" She cheered, her feet lifting off the ground from her wings flapping in excitement. Zed shook his head with an amused smile playing on his lips.

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