Chapter 3

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He managed to cook dinner for Zoey and himself, run the water for her bath, help dry her wings, make sure she was dressed and in bed through his soreness. Zed pulls her comforter up to her chest to tuck her in for the night.

"You're my favorite big brother ever, Zed." Zoey told him with a smile.

"Well I am your only big brother." Zed chuckled. She pouted in response.

"You know what I mean." Zed laughs again, leaning down and kissing his little sister's forehead.

"I do, Song Bird." He whispers, touching his forehead to hers affectionately before standing upright, a little slower than usual. "Now get some sleep." He instructed, walking to the door.

"Zed?" Zoey called before his fingers could flip the light switch.

"Yeah?" He turned back.

"I love you." She said, Zed softened.

"Love you too Zoe. Get some rest." He flipped off the lights and pulled her door, leaving it open a crack like she preferred.

He'd just gotten into the living room and sat down on the couch when their father came walking in the front door. Zed glared at him as he entered the living room.

"Oh hey Son!" Zevon greeted briefly, not noticing the sour look he was getting, fingered through a small stack of mail in his hands. "Is your sister in bed already?" When he was met with utter silence by his son, he glanced up. His brows knitted together in confusion as soon as their eyes made contact. "What?"

"'What?' Really?" Zed spat in annoyance. "Do you remember what day it is?" Zevon blinked then stared blankly at him until Zed sighed. "Let me jog your memory." He stood up, unbuttoning the few buttons Eliza and Bonzo had done for him, and let his shirt slide off his shoulders to his elbows as he turned around.

The stark red that had seeped through the white gauze covering his shoulder blades where his wings once were. Zevon jerked back in shock.

"Your clipping was today?" He asked in disbelief. Zed fixes his shirt and glared at his father again. "Oh Zed, I'm so sorry! I had a meeting with the council and—"

"Yeah?" Zed cut him off. "Your meeting was more important than being here to take care of your son?" He questioned harshly. "And you know who else you forgot about? Zoey!" Zevon's face showed his guilt clearly from his son's accusations.

"Zed, I know I screwed up, but this was important." He sighed, Zed's glare burning into his skull as he looked away. He ran a hand through his thinning green hair. "We're having to change the clipping laws." Zed's anger flipped to shock, his eyes widening and mouth slightly agape. Zevon continued. "Some kids were almost seen flying by the humans. They have to lower the clipping age from 8 to 6."

"W-what do you mean 6?! T-that's next year for Zoey! She's way too young!" Zed argued frantically. Zevon's eyes wouldn't meet his, his face solemn with grief. "You're the leader of The Fallen! You can deny that change from happening!" Zed continued to push.

"No, Zed, I can't." His father replied calmly. Zed became silent as his dad went on. "As leader, I have to think of what's best for everyone, not just our family."

"Then we'll find another solution! M-maybe we can request getting back into Seabrooktopia!" Zed beamed, excitement of his sudden, brilliant idea pumping the adrenaline through his veins.

"Zed," Zevon tried to gently interrupt, but Zed was on too much of a high, pacing the floor excitedly.

"We can let our wings grow back in! Fly up and then, then you can meet with their leaders!"

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