𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭?

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Will: Everyone get your bags and meet me outside in 5!

Everyone nods and goes to their destroyed rooms.

Payton: You did good.

You look behind you.

Asmai: I did good, huh.

Payton: Yeah, I mean I would've-

Asmai: You would've nothing, Payton. Don't be mad I did better than you.

You giggle.

Payton: I will admit you did well like I said but-

Mocking him.

Asmai: But...

Payton: I would've did better!

He says quickly speeding off to get his bag.

Percy: Alright, guys let's go! Emergency transport is here!

Percy is also apart of the Squad along with Character's that haven't been brought up yet like Erin, Gills, and Octo.

We all leave the house and go to a secret location.

Asmai: Aye, pops.

You say patting your dad.

Will: What, Asmai!?

He says harshly but you brush it off.

Asmai: I found this in the house.

You hand him the paper with the address on it you found earlier.

Will: Asmai, what does this have to do with our mission?

Asmai: I just thought-

Will: There is no "thought", Asmai! You must know! I brought you on this team for intelligence not to bring things that are irrelevant!

Rossi: Will!

Will: No, Rossi! She needs to learn!

Rossi: That's not the right way to make her learn, honey!

Will: Either she learns or she's off the team!

The car gasps.

Asmai: Pops, you can't do that!

Will: I can and I will! You're done till further notice!

Asmai: Dad! I was just tryna help!

Lena: Will-

Will: You wanna be up there too?

Lena: No, but-

Will: Last warning, Lena!

Lena sits back in her seat aggressively. She taps your shoulder and you look back. She mouths.

Lena: I'm sorry. I tried.

You give her a forced smile and turn back around. Later, you guys reach the back up safe house.

Erin: It's so...

She doesn't complete her sentence.

Octo: In the open.

Gills drops his bag and points at the building.

Gills: You sure we in the right place?

Will: Positive.

Gills shrugs his shoulder and picks up the bag. They all walk inside.

Will: Asmai, your room has a yellow door and-

Asmai: Nah, my irrelevance can find it.

Before he could get another word in you're already going down the hall. When you walk away your mom looks at your father with her hands crossed, shaking her head.

Rossi: You're not acting like a parent, William.

She never calls him by his full name unless she's really pissed.

Will: Rossi, I-

She walks away.

There's only Payton and Will standing there. Payton goes to walk but Will grabs his arm.

Will: You have to bunk in a room with my daughter, you hear?

Payton: Yes, sir.

Will: If I don't like the vibes between you two I'm gonna-

Payton's dad walks into the room patting Will's shoulder and Will immediately let's go of Payton's arm.

Will: Payton, since Asmai can't join the run take her to explore but lay low.

Payton nods his head. Will points at him but tries to make it come off playful.

Will: Remember what I said before!?

Payton: Of course, sir.

Payton quickly walks off into the room closing the door behind him.

Asmai: What are you doing in here?

Payton: We're roommates!

He tries to say with a smile.

Asmai: Cut the shit. What's going on?

Payton: Nothing.

Asmai: Pay-

Payton: Hey, do you wanna go look at some stuff around this place? I mean you brought stuff for a mini vacay, right?

Asmai: Duh!

Payton: Great!

Payton starts to take some blankets out a closet and set them on the floor.

Asmai: What the hell are you doing?

Payton: Making myself a place to sleep.

He says with sarcasm.

Asmai: You can sleep with me.

Payton: Really?

Asmai: Yeah, I feel you won't over step.

Payton: I can just sleep on the floor if-

Asmai: I can change my mind ya know.

He starts to pick the blankets up.

Payton: You're right.

Asmai: Hm, I know.

You say patting his lower back. You make your way to the bathroom inside of your room.

Asmai: So what did you have in mind?

You catch him with an off guard question.

Payton: I, umm... I don't know.

Asmai: Mhmm...

Payton: Maybe, we could look up random places and go there.

Asmai: Okay. Sounds nice.

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