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Lena and Anna's POV

Chef: Waitresses!

Lena and Anna turn around.

Chef: Please go around and offer people these.

He says setting tooth picks and meatballs on your trays.

Chef: Come back to get more when finished.

Lena and Anna leave the kitchen and stand at the top of the staircase.

Lena: You see Park?

Anna scans the room.

Anna: Nop- Wait, yeah! Top right corner.

She says pointing.

Anna: Table 12.

Lena: He knows what I look like so you offer the table meatballs and if you notice anything tell me.

Anna: Gotcha.

They both walk back down the stairs parting to different sides of the room. Lena turns on her x-ray glasses as she approaches Park.

Anna: Go evening everyone.

She takes a good look up and down everyone.

Anna: Would anyone like a fresh meatball?

Park: Don't mind if I do. Hey, Wendy you want one?

Wendy: Yeah, why not.

After Park takes his she walks over to Wendy scanning her up and down.

Anna: I love your dress!

Wendy: Thank you.

Anna gives a smile then walks back to meet Lena.

Lena: Find it?

Anna: Park doesn't have it.

Lena: Then who does?

Anna: His other worker, Wendy. It's om her right boob and she also has a gun on her left leg.

Lena: How did you find all that out by looking at her?

Anna: These aren't just regular glasses, Lena.

Anna presses her ear piece.

Anna: Hey, guys. We've spotted the chip.

Asmai: Great, where is it?

Anna: Parks acquaintance has it, Wendy. Its on her right boob but be careful. She has a gun strapped to her left leg.

Asmai: Okay. You got that guys?

Gio: Clear.

Marco: Mhmm.

Will: Yep.

Payton: Alright, we'll go after it when the show officially starts to bring less attention to ourselves.

Gio: Well I personally think we should do it now-

Payton: Do you wanna test me smart ass?

Gio: Aye, watch it bro-

Asmai: Boys! Stop the bitching and focus! We don't need you two fighting in out ears all night!

Gio and Payton: Sorry...

Asmai: We're gonna do it when the show starts! Final!

You leave Payton walking over to the bar.

Asmai: Run me a scotch on ice.

Tender: You seem a bit young miss...

Asmai: Didn't I say run it!

You say giving him the death stare. He gives the awkward closed mouth smile and makes your drink.

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