𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒔

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You walk upstairs to your dads room.

Asmai: So, what happens from here?

Will: Well, we get the footage in to reliable authorities, bring back Percy, then find out what happen to Gill and Erin.

Asmai: Yeah, it was pretty weird that they just went off like that.

Will: Asmai...

Asmai: Hm?

Will: Are you trying to hide the fact that I heard you and Lena arguing down there?

Asmai: I mean it wasn't much of an argument, pops.

Will: Lena is the best one on the team how-

Asmai: Here we go again!

Will: Asmai, it wasn't suppose to come out like that...

Asmai: How is she your favorite over your own blood!? Tell me!

Will: I just want you to push harder!


Will: Lower your voice!

Asmai: NO! I'm tired of everyone taking my niceness for granted. I'm not soft like I used to be, dad! And she is your favorite isn't she...

Will: Asmai.

Asmai: So, she is! I fucking knew it.

She goes to grab your hand.

Asmai: And, I heard you and mom ya know. Last month you said you were gonna send me to that secret boot camp, huh?

Will: Oh, oh your heard...

Asmai: I looked it up and honestly send me there! Let Lena take my spot and I won't have to deal with anyone's shit!

Will: Little girl look-

Asmai: I'm not your little girl anymore! I want to go to the boot camp so I can work all my anger out this summer. Either you send me willingly or I just send myself. Your pick...

You stop the conversation and go back to your room.

Payton: That was a lot of arguing. You good?

Asmai: I'm tough! I'm fine.

Payton: Everything isn't always about being tough, Asmai.

Asmai: In my world it is.

Payton: I wish I could give you a better world. I know you don't totally like yours.

Asmai: And that's what your right on.

You open your suitcase and take out some pjs and get in the shower.

The next day(afternoon)

You wake up at 1pm. You go to the kitchen and eat yogurt.

Payton: That isn't breakfast, love.

He says walking past you into the fridge.

Asmai: I'm not really hungry but I'm just trying to keep my strength up. Plus, its the afternoon.

Payton: Oh, I see.

He takes milk out the fridge and cereal from up top.

Asmai: Dino crunch?

You say laughing.

Payton: Yes! It's my favorite cereal.

He says with a smile.

Asmai: You're such a dork.

You say turning away from the table and walking upstairs.

Knock Knock

Will: Come in.

You walk inside.

Will: Oh, I'm guessing you've changed your mind.

He says sitting up in his bed.

Asmai: No, actually. I hate it here, dad. First thing tomorrow morning I want you to book me a flight back home.

He crosses his arms with a shocked look on his face.

Will: You want me to send you back home?

Asmai: Yes. I've been thinking about it all night. You don't even need me here.

Will: Asmai, are you sure? You'll be alone.

Payton: No she won't.

He peeks into the room.

Payton: I'll go with her...

Will looks at both of you.

Will: Maybe this was too much for you.

Asmai: I could handle it, but you guys can get our other family back home safe.

Will: I suppose I can ask Mike and have you two on a plane back.

Asmai: Thanks.

You leave the room.

Asmai: But, you did that for what?

Payton: Why not?

Asmai: Why?

Payton: Why not?

Asmai: Why, though?

Payton: I want to go some place regular. With my dad I'm always working. I always wanted to go to Annie's Cafe.

Asmai: Really?

Payton: Yeah.

Asmai: That's funny because her cafe is two blocks away from my house. Once we get there I'll take you to get one of her delicious muffins.

Payton: I wished they would stop using your kindness for weakness because I know when I did I regretted it.

Asmai: They just don't get it.

Payton: What about your mom.

Asmai: They'll figure it out. I'm just done trying to fit in. Anyways, I have to go pick out my fit for tomorrow.

You both walk into your room. You put your suitcase on your bed and take out an outfit.

Asmai: You think your dads gonna say yes?

You say putting your shoes into your bookbag.

Payton: Honestly, I don't know. If I was going alone he'd probably say no but I'm not so he might say yeah.

Asmai: It would be good if he does.

Knock Knock

Asmai: Come in.

Its your father.

Will: Your flying Delta. You wake up at 6:00am you should be on the plan by 9:00am. Its leaves at 9:15am.

Asmai: Thank you.

Will: I sent you all the information.

Asmai: I'm really glad your doing this.

Will: Me too. You're safer that way.

Hr leaves the room.

Asmai: We're going back to Cali!

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