Chapter #6

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Song is Thriller by Michael Jackson. Hope y'all enjoy!
Soundwave's POV
Starscream had finally finished, and the girl was pretty much passed out with exhaustion. Once she was asleep, I slipped in. The guards didn't bother asking questions or try to stop me. They knew what I was capable of. Barely making a sound, I connected the cortical psychic patch, making sure that Lazerbeak knew how to disconnect me once I gave the order. I closed my eyes, and entered her mind.
No One's POV
And what he saw, he would never forget. He walked through her memories. First, he saw the ones where her twin, Sam, left for "college". He saw her and her older brother Dean search for their father, only to wind up asking their brother for help. He saw the death of Sam's girlfriend. He saw the search for the yellow-eyed demon also take priority, along with the search for their father. He saw Sam meet Meg, the boys finally find their father, only for him to vanish again, this last cycle repeating a couple of times. He saw their father give his life and his soul for his boys and Hazel. He saw their grief as they burned his body. He saw the trio go on a number of cases, be hunted by the government, find out about Lilith, a demon who wanted to raise the Devil, also known as Lucifer, from his Cage in Hell. He knew that Lucifer was the equivalent of Unicron in his world, and couldn't help but feel horrified. He saw Sam get stabbed, and Dean selling his soul to save him. He saw Hazel and Sam's grief as they failed to find a solution in time, and were forced to watch their brother get torn apart by Hellhounds. He watched Sam leave his twin, and they both tried to make deals to bring Dean back, but to no avail. He saw Sam drown himself in alcohol, as Hazel went to their uncle Bobby and stayed with him. He saw the shock as she opened the door four months later, and found Dean on the doorstep. He saw her puzzlement as they tried to figure out who or what saved him. She came up with the idea of Angels, because so far they seemed to be the only thing that could rescue someone from Hell, but the others rejected the idea. Soundwave had read up on Hell, and it was basically his version of the Pits. And Dean's description of it was pretty sickening, even for the hardened Decepticon TIC. He saw them go to a psychic, only for her to have her eyes burned out. He saw them try to summon the creature, only to find out it was indeed an Angel by the name of Castiel. He saw Ruby drive Sam away from his family, and get him addicted to demon blood. He saw the Angel confess the fact that he had doubts, and didn't know what was right or wrong anymore. He saw the angels explain the Seals, of which Lilith only had to break 66 of of the thousands of them to free Lucifer from Hell. He saw the three briefly get back together, only to be shot in their beds. He saw Heaven, he saw Castiel try to find God, only to find that He had abandoned them all. He saw Gabriel's strange way of warning Sam about the risks of constantly sacrificing himself for his family. He saw Lucifer rising, and the trio's miraculous deliverance. He saw them fully detox Sam from the demon blood. He saw them fight the influence of the angels, who, for some inexplicable reason, wanted the apocalypse to happen. He watched the Archangel Michael choose their half-brother Adam instead of Dean for his vessel. He saw them meet Gabriel (aka trickster) again, who sacrificed himself for them, and told them how to put Lucifer back in the Cage in Hell. He saw how they put their stakes on Sam being able to overcome Lucifer long enough to throw himself in the Cage while Lucifer possessed him. He saw Sam say yes, and the plan not work. He saw the horror in Hazel's eyes as she looked at her twin and saw the Devil. He saw them fight for Sam, as he struggled to beat the Devil. He saw Lucifer/Sam and Michael-Adam about to fight. He saw Castiel banish Michael so that Dean and Hazel could reach Sam. He saw Lucifer snap his fingers, and Castiel perish (for like the second time that week). He saw Lucifer knock out Hazel, and she lay on the ground a distance from the Impala. He saw Lucifer beat up Dean, as he tried to get through to Sam. He saw Sam finally beat the Devil in his mind, and win control over his body. He saw Sam open the gate to Hell. He saw Michael return, and demand he fight his brother. He saw Sam begin to lean backwards into the Pit. He saw Michael try to stop him, and he saw Hazel stir. She turned, and grabbed Michael's ankle, just as Sam grabbed Michael's collar. He saw that instead of pulling Michael away from her brother, she got pulled down too. He saw her fall into Hell, and saw all of the pain and torture she and Sam endured from both Archangels. He saw how Castiel was resurrected (again). He saw how her body was resurrected, but her soul, as well as Sam's, was not. He saw the awful year she spent without her soul, the twins doing things he would have thought beneath them. He saw Castiel return, and was finally able to diagnose what exactly was wrong with the twins. He saw Dean play Death for a day to win back their souls. He heard Death's warning about breaking the wall he put in their minds to block out the last year (or 120 years down there) that their souls had endured. When Death described the state of their souls, Soundwave was shocked. Who can endure that kind of pain, and still function, even with a wall? He learned that Castiel had betrayed them, and was working with the current king of Hell. He saw Castiel break down the twins' walls, rendering them vulnerable to those dreadful memories. He saw the hallucinations they both went through, and how they were both slowly losing the ability to tell fiction from reality. He saw Castiel finally open Purgatory and get all of those souls. He saw Castiel kill Raphael, and then appoint himself as the new god. He saw the destruction he caused. Soundwave now recognized the origin of some of the news reports he had read about on earth. He saw Castiel come to his senses, and allow the Winchesters to help him return the souls to Purgatory. He saw how they thought Castiel was dead, and then he wasn't, and then the Leviathin killed him. He saw the Leviathin, using Castiel's body, walk into the river, leaving only a stained trench coat behind. He saw how the Leviathin had been framing the trio for robbery and murder for the last few days. Then, he paused on a memory of the three embracing one another, comforting each other after the death of a close friend, who they loved, even though he betrayed them. He quietly took a picture. He didn't know why, but they memory pulled at his normally cold and hard heart. Then, lastly, he saw them get a case in Jasper, Nevada, about cars that didn't appear to have drivers, which, for these three, probably meant they were possessed by either a ghost or even a demon. Then, he saw the more recent memories of Hazel getting captured, until the present moment, where she was chained up, and he was examining her memories. "So she doesn't know where the Autobot base is," he thought, as he gave the order to be disconnected. But one thing he did know about her, was that Starscream would never be able to crack her, especially when it came to her brothers. She was willing to sell her soul for them. He knew you don't get much more loyal than that. She was definitely an interesting human, who had been through a lot more than he could have imagined. And she was young too, in her mid twenties, and she already died twice, and her soul spent a year in Hell being tortured by two Archangels. He returned to his berthroom, but didn't lie down. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, as she gave him a lot to think about. Even since he came here, he had assumed that humans (most of them anyways) were weak cowards who only cared about themselves. But looking through her memories, he realized he was wrong. This girl had suffered incalculably, and was still standing tall. She hadn't given up. She was still standing strong. She would give up everything for her family. She ran into danger with little though for herself, but only for the person she was trying to protect. Soundwave decided to look into her situation more, and see if he can find more about her, for he never been so intrigued by a human as he was then. There was definitely far more to her than what he originally assumed...
I know y'all probably hate this chapter, but I was mostly just getting us up to speed, and identifying where Hazel is in this story, and what she went through.
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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