Chapter #8

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Song is Telephone by Glee Cast.
Hazel's POV
I hung there for hours, days, who knows? I didn't sleep very much, both because of the pain, and because Lucifer's torment of my mind was increasing. He didn't let me sleep much anymore, and because my arms were strung up, I couldn't put pressure on the cut that made him leave. I lifted my head as I heard a commotion. The door to my cell opened, and several cons dragged in an unconscious white robot with red and green markings. They were followed by Starscream, who barked orders for him to be strung up similar to how I was. I thought I glimpsed my original captor behind him, but I wasn't sure. Then, Starscream left. He hadn't bothered me for a little while, and that had me worried. Had he found the Autobot base? It didn't take a genius to figure out that my captors were the bad guys and the Autobots were the good guys. And judging by the insignia on the bot in my cell, he just might be an Autobot. Starscream and Soundwave entered the room just as the bot was waking up.
"Tell Megatron he's fragged in the head if he thinks Bulkhead won't sniff out an imposter," was his opening line. I raised an eyebrow. Imposter?
"Haven't you heard? I lead the Decepticons now." Starscream replied.
"You?" The bot scoffed. Starscream made to swipe his sharp claws at him, but Soundwave held him back.
"Yes, yes, he may be of use. Makeshift is very good at keeping up appearances. Besides, he need only fool your friends long enough to open their groundbridge from the inside, so that I may finally learn the location of the Autobot base, so that I may send in my strike force and stain the floor with the spilled energon of Optimus Prime!" After that "riling" speech, they left.
"So, where did you come from, Tiny?" The bot asked me.
"I could ask the same of you, Tin Can," I said. He grinned. "I like you! The name's Wheeljack, by the way."
"Hazel." I replied. "And you're an Autobot, I'm guessing?"
He nodded. "How'd you end up in here?"
"I was out with my brothers, when we stumbled upon a fight. Soundwave took me, and I don't know what happened to my brothers." I looked down. I was worried about them. I looked at Wheeljack. "What about you?"
"I was about to land my ship, when I was swarmed by cons. One of the cons, Makeshift, can basically shape-shift into any bot. He's currently impersonating me."
"That's pretty rough." I said. He nodded. Just then, three guards came inside the cell to guard us, and I could guess there were a number of them outside as well. One of them came up to Wheeljack. "You aren't going anywhere, Autobot!" he yelled, shoving him. As he turned away, however, Wheeljack grabbed him with his legs, and managed to get him to shoot his cuffs. Once those were off, he killed the drones. He took me down carefully, and hid me in his subspace. Then, we left the cell. As far as I could tell, he made his way outside. "Maybe they gave your boy such a hero's welcome, he got the warm and fuzzies and decided to switch sides." I heard Wheeljack say.
"Do you not see that you are vastly outnumbered?" I heard Starscream reply.
"I see some fellows who might vastly enjoy watching me pound some dents into you!" Wheeljack replied, drawing his katanas. Starscream gave the order, and Wheeljack fought his way through. Not long after the battle began, I heard the familiar sound of a portal opening.
"Well, well." Wheeljack said, before going inside the bridge. I heard him jump another bot, who I guessed was his "evil twin".
"I'd shut that whole before the stink comes through," he says after a few seconds. Then, he fought the imposter, beating him. I felt like I was going to be sick with all of the motions he did. I hammered on his chest, wanting to get out.
"Right! Sorry, I forgot you were in there, Hazel," he said, opening his subspace. I crawled out, gasping for air. I blinked, letting my eyes adjust to the light.
"Hi, I'm Hazel. Hazel Winchester. You don't happen to know my brothers, Sam and Dean, do you?" The red and blue robot, who seemed slightly familiar, stepped forward.
"Yes, we have met your brothers, and they and we have been trying to get you back for some time. However, that is difficult as the Decepticon warship is not easily found. However, we are glad you are safe." Here, he leaned closer to me to whisper. "And, they told myself and my team, minus the children, about everything, including what's been going on lately with the Leviathan."
I winced at the thought and sighed.
"Thank you, Optimus, for looking for me. By the way, do you have a phone I could borrow? I would like to call my brothers." He nodded, and asked Miko, the 14-year old girl there, if I could use her phone. She agreed, and I went to a quiet part of the base. I typed my twin's number, slowly. Optimus said I had been gone for almost two weeks. That was a long time. I held the phone to my ear, as I waited for Sam to pick up.
"Hello?" I almost cried as I heard his voice. "Sam?" I whispered. "It's me, Hazel." He gasped. "Hazel! Are you alright? Did you escape, or just get ahold of a phone?"
"I got out, Sam, and I'm relatively fine. They had imprisoned another Autobot, and he got me out when he escaped." I ran a hand through my hair. "Is Dean there?" Sam was silent. "What's wrong, Sam?" He sighed. "There was this girl, Amy, that I knew in high school. She turned out to be a monster, but she killed her mom to save my life. I let her go. She recently killed four people to save her kid, and promised it was over. I wanted to let her go, but Dean killed her, and then lied about it. I haven't talked to him in a week." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm gone for two weeks and you're already fighting. This is the one time we shouldn't be fighting. We need to be taking down Leviathan. Does Bobby have anything useful for us?"
"I know we shouldn't be fighting, but he broke my trust, Hazel. He said he wouldn't gank her, and he did. I had to find out from a Leviathan! And no, Bobby doesn't have anything, and we're hiring a guy named Frank to help us figure it out." He was quiet for a moment. "How are your hallucinations?" I shrugged. "They got a little worse on the warship, because I was strung up and couldn't use the cut to make him leave. He doesn't let me sleep much either. What about you?" He sighed. "I'm managing it." I huffed.
"I'm sure you are. Listen, I have to go. Dean's got to know I'm alive too you know."
"Okay, just be careful. Where will you go after?"
I shrugged again. "I'll probably hang out with Bobby. At least, until you get this fight sorted out."
"Okay. Bye Hazel."
"Bye Sam." I said, and hung up. I sighed, letting my head fall back against the wall. I stared at the pink phone absently for a few minutes, then called my oldest brother and uncle figure to let them know I was alright.
Hope y'all enjoy!
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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