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Beetlejuice POV

      I really didn't think she'd say it so fast. But hell, I'm not complaining. She doesn't seem very happy, though. "You alright, kid?"

      "No! What am I going to tell my dad? And Delia? And the Maitlands? Oh god, they're going to kill me." Lydia says. She paces around her room. She looks like she just killed someone. Although, I don't think that would effect her. She didn't seem to mind when she killed me.

      "Ah, calm down. Charlie loves me. Delilah- we didn't hang out. And the Maitlands-" I bite my lip.

      "Ew! Stop. That's gross." She covers her face with her hands. I smirk at her.

      "Look who's talking? You've been drooling over a rich girl for the past week." I raise my eyebrows and chuckle.

      "You've been drooling over a married couple since you met them!" She fires back.

      "Damn, kid. You got me." I put my hands up in surrender for a second before rubbing them together. "So, what are we gonna do? Who are we gonna scare?"

      "No one. As far as anyone else is concerned, you're still in The Netherworld. Now I have to figure out where to hide you." She looks around her room.

      "Hide me? Lyds, no! I just got out of hiding! I thought we we're bffffs!" I cross my arms. There's a knock at the door.

      "Lydia? Who are you talking to?" It's Charlie. I look at her. She has a panicked expression on her face.

       "Uh- no one, dad. I'm on FaceTime-" Her voice sounds strained. She gestures for me to get into her closet. I shake my head. She drags her index finger across her neck and mouths 'Now.' Her trying to be scary was actually kind of funny.

     "I'm coming in there." Charlie says. The doorknob turns and he walks in, looking at Lydia, then me. The color drains from his face. "What are you doing here?"

      "Chuck! After all this time, this is how you greet me? Rude." I smirk. He doesn't. I wipe the smile from my face and look at my feet.

      "Lydia, get in the car." He grabs her by the arm. "We're getting an exorcist." He glares at me. Lydia tries to pull her arm away.

      "C'mon, Charlie! You have the best damn exorcist in town right here!" I try to hide the fact that I'm actually scared. Maybe this was a bad idea.

      "Dad- he's different! We don't need to get an exorcist! Please!" Lydia pleads. Charles raises his eyebrows at her.

      "Changed? Lydia, he's a demon. He's incapable of change." He protests.  I pretend the comment doesn't offend me. "Now let's go." He pulls her out of the room. She yanks away and runs back into her room, standing in front of me.

      "I won't let you. You'll have to kill me before you can hurt him." She glares at him. I smile down at her. She really does care.

      "Lydia, you're being ridiculous. Come on." He says. I glance between the two of them, wondering what's going to happen.

      "No, dad. You're being ridiculous. Please give him a chance. Please." She almost looks like she's about to cry

Charles POV

      I can't believe Lydia summoned that green bastard. After everything he did to us, especially what he did to her. I can't wrap my head around what made her think this was okay.  I don't know why she wants him here so bad. And Beetlejuice looks almost... scared? He's a bio-exorcist, why would he be scared? Oh, right. I said we were going to get him exorcised. And we are. That's the right thing to do. Right? Yes. I think. Yes. Why am I even questioning this? "Lydia, get in the car. Now."

      "No." She argued. I shook my head in disbelief. Does she think that's okay? She can't just tell me no. I'm her father. I decide what's best for her.

      "I wasn't asking, Lydia. You have ten seconds. One. Two. Three. Four. Fiv-"

      "Six seven eight nine ten. What are you gonna do to me, dad? Ground me? Take away my phone?" She pulls out her phone and places it in my hand. I gawked at her. Where was this disrespectful attitude coming from?

      "Lydia, I don't know what's gotten into you, but I don't like it. Turn it around." I say. She purses her lips thoughtfully.

     "I'll consider it, if you let him stay." She points to Beetlejuice. "But if you wanna exorcise him, fine. Say hello to the new me." She crosses her arms.

      "Lydia Joyce Deetz, if I hear one more disrespectful thing come out of your mouth I swear to god I'll-" I catch Beetlejuice snickering. "What's your problem?"

      "Joyce?" He asks, still grinning. God, he's so immature. Making fun of my daughter's middle name, and at a time like this. Unbelievable.

      "Shut up." Lydia teases. "I wouldn't be making fun of middle names if I were you." She raises her eyebrows at him.

     "My middle name isn't the problem. It's my first name. It makes me sound like a breather." He huffs. Beetlejuice... isn't his first name? 

      "Lawrence. I think it has a nice ring to it. But if you don't like it-" Lydia replies. Lawrence. Never in a million years would I have imagined a guy like him to have a name like that. Charles, stop worrying about his name and start worrying about how to get him out of your house!

      "Lydia, please-" I beg. "We can't have a demon living in our house."

      "Why?! I know he's been a bit brutal in the past, but he's different!" She yells


      "Let me finish. I know you don't believe it because he's a demon, but he really has! He's only been here for a couple minutes, but I know that he changed. I can tell. Just give him one more shot, please!"

      I close my eyes and sit on the edge of her bed. Is a demon capable of change? Is it worth the risk? The door opens, and Barbra walks in.

      "Adam and I just baked some brownies! They're just a little burnt, but I think they're still good-" She spots Beetlejuice and her eyes go wide.

      "Babs! I've missed you!" He wraps her in a tight hug and kisses her cheek.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it,, make sure to vote and give me a follow! I follow back!

I know Lydia's middle name is never confirmed, but Joyce is the most common theory, used in the cartoon.

Remember you are loved and wanted. Messages always open for whatever you need.

~Maddie 🖤

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