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Hi friends! There's a bit of sexual content in the beginning of this chapter. Not smut, just Beej being a feral touch starved rat man. If you don't want to read it, skip down to where I say it's safe!


Beetlejuice POV

I watch helplessly as she passes out. "Damnit.." I may be an expert on death, but I didn't know that ghosts can pass out. Even worse is I don't know how long she'll be asleep. All I can do now is wait, I guess. I take her hand and watch her chest rise and fall. Without thinking about it I plant a soft kiss on her lips. Normally I wouldn't pull away so fast but, well, she's asleep. God, she's beautiful. The things I would do to her if she was awake. I'd do anything just to feel her under me. To run my fingers through her hair as hers travel my body. To hear her, and watch her eyes roll back. I'd mark her up all over her body and let everyone know that she's mine. I tear myself away from my thoughts. I can't be thinking about that. Especially now. I have to focus on getting her better.

(you're safe!)

I squeeze her hand a bit and wait impatiently. This is torture. She's been asleep for ten minutes! How long is it gonna take for her to get up?
          "Babs. Babs. Wake up. Babs. Barbara. Love. Angel. Beautiful. Wake up. I'm bored. Babs. Babs. Babs."
She doesn't wake up. I groan and flop on the bed next to her.
           "Well. It's been a weird ass day. I got summoned, then Charlie tried to exorcise me, I found out that Adam's an asshole. How long has he been a bitch, by the way? Then we kissed. Best part'a the day." I smile, and decide not to talk about the rest. I close my eyes and wait.

Barbara POV

          The next time I open my eyes, Beetlejuice is cuddled up to me and sleeping. I smile and give him a small kiss on his cheek before standing up. Pain rushes through my entire body, making it hard to stand. Soon enough I feel Beej come to my side and steady me.
"Hey, Babs, just lay down. I'll be here, okay?" He helps me lay back down. "Do you need anything? Warm drink? Somethin' to eat?" I silently shake my head as he gently places the ice pack back on my bruised eye.
"Just cuddles." I weakly smile, and see the tips of his hair turn a bit pink. He crawls into bed next to me and intertwines our legs. I giggle as he presses his face into the crook of my neck, his stubble against my skin.
He gives me little kisses and holds me close, but not tight enough to hurt me, considering all the bruises on my ribs. "This okay, babes?" He quietly asks.
I nod, pressing my nose into his hair. "It's perfect."

Hailey POV
(remember her? buckle up, my dudes. it's gonna be a bumpy ride. thats her ⬇️)

         I watch quietly from my bedroom window as my mom and her boyfriend leave

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I watch quietly from my bedroom window as my mom and her boyfriend leave. My dad died a year ago. He was the best. Ever since I was a kid, I've always been a daddy's girl. I'd sit next to him instead of my mom, and even if he was just going out to get one thing from the store, you bet your ass I was going too. When he left, everything changed.
But that's not important right now. I have to get ready for Lydia to come over. I turn to my mirror and slide a yellow turtleneck sweater over my head, and a pair of overalls. Everything's nice and baggy, just how I like it. It's comfortable that way.
Lydia was coming over for a sleepover. Our first sleepover. We both knew what was going to happen, but we didn't mention it. Am I nervous? Hell yes. Am I going to let it show? Nope. I'm good at hiding things. I double check to make sure everything is perfect. Movies and snackies? Check. Karaoke playlist? Check. Empty house? Check. Now there's nothing to do. She won't be here for hours. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. Before I know it, I'm asleep.
My mom wouldn't let me see him. My dad is literally dying, and my mom won't let me see him. Tears sting my eyes.
"People die, Hailey. You gotta move on. Just let'im die. We're better off without him anyway." There's liquor on her breath. Of course there is. Ever since he got sick she's been drinking more.
"Mom. Please- just let me see him." I feel tears escape my eyes. "Let me see him one more time." I look up at her. There isn't an ounce of remorse in her eyes. How can she not care?
"..fine. Go. But be back before curfew." She scoffs and turns away from me. I race out the door, my legs burning. I don't believe in any god, but it didn't hurt to try.
If there's anyone out there, please let him live. Just until I can get there. Just until I can see him. I'll do anything. Please.
Once I get to the hospital, I rush to his room and sit by his side.
"Daddy? Daddy- look at me- it's Hailey-" I wipe a few tears and breathe a sigh of relief as his once electric, now dull, blue eyes open and meet mine. He gives a soft smile
"Hey, pumpkin." He gently lifts his hand and wipes some of my tears away. "None of that, okay? No more crying. You can't waste time on crying. Not when I still have time."
"Sh. I'm not done. Today is my last day. I can feel it. So we have to make it count. Now, you promise me this. Promise me that you won't stop that thing you do where you write me a song for my birthday, and bring me those orange flowers. I love those orange flowers." He puts out his pinky, and I lock it with mine.
"I promise." I smile, and can't help but let more tears fall. He takes my hand and smiles back, then turns on his back and closes his eyes. He finds a pitch and slowly starts to sing.
"Remember me.." We've both always loved Disney movies. Happy endings always had us leaving the theater in a good mood. I slowly join him in his song.
"Though I have to say goodbye, remember me. Don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart." I let him take the next verse solo as I quickly try to figure out a harmony.
"Remember me. Though I have to travel far, remember me.."
I close my eyes and join in with a harmony, listening to our voices blend together. "Each time you hear a sad guitar."
I bring out the harmony on the next line, "Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be-" but I'm singing alone. I open my eyes and look at his. His grip loosens on my hand, and he closes his eyes. The long tone rings out from the ECG.
"No-! Daddy, no!" I press my head into his chest and cry. I don't know how long I cried, but it seemed like an eternity. One second without him was too much to bear. After a while, I decide to finish the song. It's what he would have wanted me to do. My voice breaks and cracks, but I manage to scrape out the notes. "Until you're in my arms again. Remember me. Remember me. Remember me."

I wake up with a start, tears falling from my eyes. That wasn't the first time I had that dream. And it probably won't be the last. I get out of bed and wipe my eyes, pushing the memory to a far part of my brain. Tonight is about Lydia. And that's it.

Hi! 1,416 words, holy crap! That's like,, 416 more than my usual goal! If you liked the chapter, make sure to vote and give me a follow! I follow back!
Also, thank y'all so much for 300 reads! Honestly, I love you all so much. I'll keep writing as long as you keep reading!
Remember that you are loved and wanted. Message me if you ever need anything.
As always,
Maddie 🖤

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