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Yori Saisho looks like the guy in the cover.



Hi my name is Yori Saisho and this is my story. It all started one that day, the day the meteor with the Apocalypse Virus crashed down to Earth. I don't really remember anything before that. GHQ said it was because of the shock of the crash. I don't think it is. When I awoke after the meteor crash I saw a little girl. She had pink hair and red eyes. She wore a silver cross around her neck.


Yori woke up on a beach. He sat up and held his hand.

"What happened?" He said to himself.

"A meteor crashed." A young girl walked up to him. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I don't remember a thing though."

"My name is Mana Ouma."

"I'm Yori Saisho."


That was the day my life was different. If I had a life before then. Like I said, I don't remember a thing from before that crash. After then GHQ came and took me to some facility. They wouldn't tell me what happened.

Crystals started appearing all over Tokyo. I wanted to get out so I could help injured people, but GHQ told me to stay.


"Let me out!" Yori yelled. "I can help with the injured!"

"Sorry, we were told to keep you in here." One of the two guards watching him said.

"I said...LET ME OUT!" Yori ran to one of the guards and pushed him.

As Yori pulled away he pulled out a scythe.

"What the hell?!" Yori looked at the scythe.

The guard was laying on the ground unconscious.

"The target has pulled out something from the other guard. It looks like a scythe." The other guard said into a walkie talkie on his shoulder.

A guy on the other side said "Use non lethal force. We need him alive."

The guard aimed the gun at Yori but Yori had already sliced the guards abdomen.

Yori ran out of the room. He ran towards the exit but a bunch of guards were blocking the exit.

"Drop the weapon and stand down." One of the guards yelled.

"Why should I?" Yori said.

"Drop it now Kingu3974."

"Kingu...that sounds good." Yori made the scythe disappear.

"Fire!!" All the guards started firing at Yori.

Yori reaches to his chest and pulls his void out. It looked like a full body suit. He quickly put it on.

"Ahh yes I understand. These things are voids. And this one is called God's armor. It allows me to see and know all. Let's get this party started." Yori smiled.

He guards keep firing as Yori as he just stepped side to side dodging the bullets. He slowly made his way to the guards blocking the exit.

"Another interesting fact about this." Yori opened void portals below all the guards. "I can travel and send people to different dimensions."


After I got out of there I walked around seeing if I could find anyone else with my ability. I had no luck. I hid in a church while everything unfolded outside. Then I heard voices.


Yori was sitting behind the altar while a blonde guy was standing. It seemed like he was waiting for something.

Mana then walked in. She  said "Merry Christmas."

The guy said "Thank you."

"Open it," Mana said handing the guy a small box. "You're my knight, aren't you Triton?" Triton opened the box "so keep protecting me." She then pointed at a Christmas tree. "Take a shot at that star." Mana had an evil look in her eyes.

Triton aimed at the star atop the Christmas tree. He shot and the bullet deflected off the star.

Mana walked up Triton "Poor Triton, I loved you, you know. Just kidding." She put her fingers in his blood and put it on her lips.

Just then a third person came in. A boy with brown hair wearing a winter coat. "Triton?" He said. Once he saw Triton hurt he ran up to him "Triton what happened!?...Triton!" Triton was unresponsive.

"Forget him." Mana said "come here and take this Shu." Mana held out a cat's cradle to Shu.

So that kid is Shu...stay alive kid, my void says you still have lots to do Yori thought.

Mana then went on to say "If you and I intertwine our DNA, we could create a beautiful new world together." Shu looked distressed. Mana walked closer to him "It's ok Shu, there's nothing to be scared of. Don't you want to do something fun, just you and me?" The Apocalypse virus then made some of Mana's hair fall off.

"Get away, stay back." Shu said "You monster!" Shu yelled as he pushed Mana away.

Triton popped his head up and looked in Mana's direction. She had on this innocent girl face.

"Mana?" Shu said.

"NOOOOO!!!" Mana cried out as a bright aura exploded out of her.

The church then caught on fire. Mana said "I'm sorry. Forgive me, please Shu. Please don't be frightened. I need your help." Mana said backing Shu into something. "It's all so fast, I'm becoming somebody else." Mana then flared a purple light bringing on Lost Christmas. Triton shielded Shu from the light and Yori shielded them both while the church fell down around them.


That was the beginning of Lost Christmas, December 24 2029, the day the Apocalypse Virus was born.

I left the church before Triton, or Gai as he is now known as, and Shu woke up. After that I decided to keep an eye on Shu and Gai, where ever there paths may lead.


This book was done a little different from my other books but I wanted to have Yori tell a backstory of the first day that started everything.

Vote if you liked this chapter. Freely comment your questions and concerns and I hope everyone is doing well.


Guilty Crown: The First Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें