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In the time I was spending keeping an eye on Gai and Shu, I found another person like me. He has only one problem, the girl that accompanied him was the only person he could pull a void from.


"Ok so let me get this straight, you can only pull crystals out of Carol here because of experiments for the void genome done to you?" Yori said. Standing in front of him was a guy wearing a red cloak and black pants. He had red eyes and brown hair and had the hood of the cloak up. Standing next to this guy was a girl wearing a white cloak and hat with blue hair.

"Yes, my Scrooge dear here can only use me." Carol said.

"I can speak for my self you know." Scrooge said with a hint of annoyance.

"Yeah I know but you're all dark and brooding." Carol says in a deep voice mimicking Scrooge.

Yori chuckled lightly "So what do you think of my idea?"

"It sounds kinda good, what would you call this group?" Scrooge asked.

"The Gurēto Kingusus."


That was the day the Gurēto Kingusus were formed. It's basically a group of people with the power of the king's hand. Though now that I think about it back then it only ever had two. We didn't get three until Kazuki but that's a different part I may tell you about later.

Anyway the next important thing to happen to Shu was him getting the Void Genome.


There was fire everywhere. The street was destroyed and the buildings around it didn't look pretty either. Yori was hovering over this whole scene as he heard a familiar voice.

"Inori!!" Shi yelled as he ran across rubble from fallen buildings and jumped over a fence onto the street.

There you are Shu...I knew this day would come. I wouldn't miss this for the world. Yori thought.

Shu yelled as he ran through a dark cloud of smoke towards a girl wearing a red leotard with the middle mostly cut out, red-orange spoilers with flowers on the side.

How come I can't find anything on Inori through my void. All I get is she is the lead singer to Egoist. And I got another life sign from her...but who? Yori questioned.

Inori slowly turned to face Shu as an endlave came through the smoke and aimed at her.

Shu ran across the broken street and through fire. When he reached Inori he hugged her trying to shield her.

Let's change the aim Yori touched the endlave as he fired and hit something in Shu's pocket.

Tiny red particles flew out and went into the air. Yori could hear a voice "Take it this time Shu."

"Mana?" Yori said. A couple seconds later Shu looked up with a look with intensity as he moved his right hand into Inori's chest and pulled a sword out as she passed out.

"The Singer's sword" Yori smiled as he watched.

"What's happening?" Shu said. "What is this?"

Just then an endlave backed up and fired missiles at Shu and Inroi. Shu pointed the sword at the missiles and a shield blocked them. A couple missiles exploded behind Shu as the endlave charged at him. Shu jumped towards the endlave and cut it's arm off causing it to explode.

Congratulations Shu Ouma. Your one step closer to your destiny. Yori thought. But Inori...what is going on with you and why did I hear Mana?


Little did I know that me hearing Mana that time meant I was eligible to be her Adam. Throughout the next couple of week I've tried finding more out about why I couldn't find anything out about Inori. Her power is too strong and I didn't know her when it was weaker.

After that I had an encounter with Yuu, embodiment of Da'ath.


A guy with light blonde hair wearing a long white collared coat with black shirt and pants.

"Hello Yori Saisho." The guy said.

Yori was was working on some computer when the mysterious guy came up to him.

"How the hell do you know me?" Yori asked turning around.

"My name is Yuu, embodiment of Da'ath. And I also know you have the King's power. I was wondering...have you heard Eve's voice? She's also known as Mana."

"Why do you care if I did or not?"

"You don't need to lie." Yuu levitated upside down. "We know you heard her, and that makes you a candidate to be her Adam. The other one right now is Shu."

"I heard her voice..." Yori said wondering what is going on.

"You know for a guy who has God's armor, you aren't very smart. I'll tell you what, since we can both see into the future using voids...I'll give you till Gai dies to make your decision." And with that Yuu dematerialized.


Now I could tell you here what my choice was but...what fun would hat be right Kazuki.

/through a phone/

[Yeah man, that wouldn't be fun at all]

Well I'll see you later man

[See ya]


Shu got the the King's hand and Yori has met Yuu. And Kazuki is introduced into this story. What'll happen in the future...try finding God's armor and find out.

I am connecting this to my other books but maybe not as much, we'll see

Comment your questions and concerns. Vote if you liked and hope your all doing well


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