The Clash between the Sun and the Moon

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A/N: I am also going to write more stories later and if you guys want to know more about me, you can ask me questions in the comments. It would be great if you liked this story and followed me! Also, read some of the stories of Aerona Di Angelo! Thank you!

"You're gonna WHAT?!", everyone yells.

"I am going to propose to her in the future.", Apollo says. What does the word propose mean? Oh well. I hope it is not too hard.

"YOU ARE NOT TO GO NEAR THAT CHILD IF I CAN HELP IT!", someone yells across the room. We all turn around to see the goddess of the moon, the one and only, Artemis. "I WILL PROTECT THAT CHILD WITH MY LIFE AND YOU ARE TO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR HER!"

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! YOU ARE ONLY OLDER THAN ME BY 10 MINUTES!", Apollo yelled back at Artemis. No.... don't yell at each other because of me. They are turning on each other.

"No yell. No yell of me.", I said to them. They both look at each other and look at me with sympathy.

"No, no sweetie.", Since when did she say 'Sweetie'? "We are fighting because he is a bad person. He never stays loyal to whomever he gets with. I will protect you and when you grow up to the right age, I will give you the option of coming to my group of warriors or not. Ok, Scarlett?", Artemis asked.

"Ok.", I said. She then says something I don't understand. Is it their language? What is she doing to me?!

" Γεννημένος από τη φωτιά, γεννημένος από τη γη, ποτέ ένα ελαστικό, ειδικά από τη γέννηση, ποτέ γυμνό και ποτέ γεμάτο, θα κάνει μια επιλογή στην πανσέληνο", she says. I think she is protecting me or giving me a choice that I have to make on the full moon. HOW DID I UNDERSTAND THAT? Oh well, I am getting sleepy. I might just sleep in my warm mother's arms. I hear Artemis say, "I blessed you, sweetie. May you be safe."

I AM safe. I feel my eyes closing as I sleep into my dreams. I open my eyes again and I realize that........


I am awake and I am ready to face reality.

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