Running with the wolves!

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I wrote an actual chapter to this story! I would really like it if you guys could follow me! I hope you like this chapter!

'I can't believe that I fell in love with him after just meeting him. We just met today and I already feel like I almost know everything about him. His favorite sport, favorite color, favorite food, everything! But... at the same time, I don't know everything about him. Like his backstory to his life.' I was brought out of my thoughts when the bell rang indicating that school has ended. 

'Didn't Mom tell me to go to "Camp Half-Blood"?'

'Yes, my little flame, I will guide you and that boyfriend of yours to the camp.'

'B-b-boyfriend?! We just accidentally kissed once. That doesn't mean that we are together.', I argued.

'Shame...Well, I expect you and that boy to be together.'

'Are you seriously shipping us right now?'

'Yes. Absolutely.'

'Oh, my gods. Fine! Since you are thinking that I like him, I do! Now, let me go get Ethan and you can guide us to camp.'

I walk towards Ethan, who was talking to his friends and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and the first thing I saw was his beautiful light green eyes. 'Snap out of it, Scar!' I gather my thoughts and ask him to follow me. He first looks confused then it turns into nervousness. He turns back to his friends and says good-bye to them. I quickly grab his hand and start to drag him outside when we were stopped by the one and only she-devil.

"Hey~ Ethan... Do you wanna ditch this wannabe and hang out with the real deal?", Audrey cooed. 'Ugh'

"Um... no thanks. Now if you can move, Scarlett and I have somewhere to be.", Ethan says as he grabs my hand. "H-he's holding my hand! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!' We go to the front of the school and I start to tell Ethan about what is happening. It took about 15 minutes to explain everything and he looks really puzzled.

"So let me get this straight. So you have a dad and a step-mom and two step-siblings.", Ethan says.


"And on the way to school, before you met me, some lady speaks in your mind and says that Greek myths are real and she is one of the Olympians."


"And that lady happens to be your mother and she is the virgin goddess of the hearth and fire."

"Pretty much."

"And she wants you to go to this camp for half-bloods which is called Camp Half-Blood?"


"And she thinks that I am one of those half-bloods and she wants both of us along with your two friends to go to that camp?"


"Okay. That pretty much sums it all up. Where are your two friends?"

"I think they are just talking with their other friends. I think we sho-" A huge scream echoed throughout the school.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?", Ethan yelled.

"I-I don't know. We need to get Kendra and Ciana out of there. They could be the reason." We looked at each other and ran towards the school. The sight towards me was horrible. Kendra was bleeding in so many places and it looked like her leg was broken too.

I looked around to find out that Audrey was the reason for Kendra's injuries. The smug look on her face infuriated me but I had to get Kendra and Ciana out of the freaking school. I turn towards Ethan and tell him, "You go help Ciana and check if she also has any injuries and I will go and carry Kendra."

Ethan goes towards Ciana and helps her stand up while I go towards Kendra and help her get comfortable in my arms. "Don't worry Kendra. I got you. I will heal you soon." I carry her bridal-style and run out of the school with Ethan and Ciana following behind me.

'Mom! It would be great if you showed us the way to Camp!', I yelled.

'Right! I am sorry, sweetheart. You will see a wolf. That wolf is your guide. It will always be with you. But it is magical. It can change its shape.', Mom replied back.

I heard a wolf howling throughout the woods. "Was...that a...wolf?", Ciana asked. Gods. They both are in bad condition. 'How am I going to heal them?'

'I will explain everything when you get to camp. But first, you need to follow the wolf.'

'Thanks, Mom.'

'Anytime, hon'

Soon a wolf with fur as dark as the night and eyes as red and orange as fire. It stops and nods its head towards himself. I turn towards Ethan and Ciana, who was also being carried bridal-style by Ethan, and say, "I think the wolf wants us to follow him." They nod their head in agreement and we run.

We run with the wolves.

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