Safe and looking

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They reached an apartment building, it looked very run down but it was functional and they went up the stairs and Codex knocked on the door and a guy opened it
"Who's the guy" the man asked
"A friend" said Codex and the guy let them in
"What do you want" asked the guy
"You're here alone" said Codex walking through his apartment and coming back out with a bra
"You are now" said Codex
"And how does this involve Harley" asked GQ
"Because this will get him singing like a canary" said Codex
"It won't" said the guy
"Who ya hiding back there, Oliver, is it Dinah" said Codex
"What is she talking about" Oliver asked GQ and GQ shrugged
"I don't know, she just got stabbed" said GQ
"Start singing, Ollie" said Codex
"I would if you tell me, what you want to know" said Oliver
"Fine, do you know where Harley is" asked Codex
"Did you lose her" asked Oliver with a sigh
"No, I saved her life and got stabbed and came here" said Codex
"Check with Nightwing and Predator and of she's not with them she's probably with Aria or Bruce" said Oliver
"Thanks. Here's your bra back" said Codex throwing the bra at Oliver and leaving with GQ behind her
"Who was that" asked GQ
"That was Oliver Queen in all of his glory" said Codex
"So, we're gonna go through that whole situation again with two other people" said GQ
"I'm just gonna give you a heads up, Nightwing is too nice for his own good and Predator is just almost the opposite" said Codex
"Good to know I guess" said GQ
"And they might say something like you're my boyfriend l, but deny it all" said Codex
"Why" asked GQ
"When they find out all hell will break loose" said Codex
"What kind of hell" asked GQ
"Hugs and Congratulations" said Codex as they reached the street
"Okay" said GQ

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