Crash, landing, gone

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A loud bang shook the plane
"What was that" asked Ballistic
"We gotta jump" said Codex walking over to the button and opening the door
"But we don't have parachutes" said Bentley
"Those who don't want to die, jump" said Codex before jumping off the plane and landing on the ground
"And nobody jumped" said Codex and she turned around to observe the city to see a guy dressed in black grab her and cover her mouth as she kicked back
"Hush now, little lady" the guy said and he continued as Codex struggled against his grip "The Scarecrow's looking for ya" and she passed out
With GQ
"Where's Codex" asked GQ
"Don't know" said Flag as a strange guy approached and the Seals raised their rifles
"Put your hands up" said GQ
"I'm just here to deliver this" the guy said putting a laptop on the table and backing up a little bit and GQ walked up to it cautiously and press play to answer a call
"Hey, Navy Seals" said a voice
"Oh, great, it's my dad. Again" said Roxy
"So, I have a deal for you, that is if you want to agree to the terms" said Scarecrow
"What's the deal and its terms" asked GQ
"You tell the government you did everything you could but the terrorist attack could not be stopped" said Scarecrow and the camera turned to Codex who was covered in blood with deep cuts on her arms tied to a chair "and this bitch can go free"
"You have a deal" said Bentley
"Good" said Scarecrow
"But we get her first" said Bentley
"No" said Scarecrow and he continued "I see Harley's there, I suppose I can get a deal elsewhere" and he hung up and Flag stepped around GQ who was in shock and took the laptop and gave it to the guy and Bentley walked toward him as everyone walked off
"I knew that you and Codex were hooking up" said Bentley
"How does that involve this situation" asked GQ
"Because I know she never told you about me and I know why" said Bentley
"Can you tell me" asked GQ
"I guess so" said Bentley and she continued "She was seven, Aria was ten and I was three, she had just killed my mom and siblings including Aria's twin and I just got so mad so I took a butcher knife and attacked my dad and killed him and when Codex saw, That was the last time I saw Codex for years"
"I hope on that plane wasn't the last time I ever see her" said GQ
"It won't be, I've been trying to get along with Codex for years maybe saving her ass will get me back to being her little sister instead of Criminal" said Bentley
"I guess I'm teaming up with a criminal" said GQ
"Actually a whole group" said Bentley and she continued "Codex really loves you, she would probably live and die for you"
"You got it mixed up, I'd die for her but that's just not happening" said GQ
"You lost me" said Bentley
"Oh, I blew up a big guy and it was underwater the impact knocked me out and Codex saved me" said GQ
"Okay. Good to know, now let's convince those asswhole's to help" said Bentley

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