Fellow shitheads

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"Are you sure this is a good idea" asked GQ as they walked down the old corridors of Belle Reve
"Of course I am" said Codex
"Who's up first" asked GQ as they stopped in front of a cell
"Ballistic" said Codex
"Really" said GQ in disbelief
"Open the cell" Codex said to a guard and the guard opened the cell
"Who are you" asked the girl
"Red Moon" said Codex
"Cool" said the girl
"You're Joan Williams or better known as Ballistic" said Codex
"That'd be me" said Joan scanning Codex
"Are you interested in the deal or not" asked a Codex
"Depends on what the deal is" said Joan
"Well, it's a Suicide Squad but if you don't die you get time off your sentence" said Codex
"I'll have to think on it" said Joan
"Oh, I forgot to mention it's not a choice" said Codex and she continued "I will drag your ass out of here if I have to" with that they left
"Who's next" asked GQ
"Flame" said Codex nodding to the guard to open the door
"What'd you want" the blonde girl asked
"To talk but I'm not playing games" said Codex
"Alright, What do you want" asked the girl
"You don't have a choice in the matter Mira" said Codex
"Talk" said Mira
"You're going somewhere" said Codex walking out of the cell
"So, Who's next" asked GQ
"Deformity" said Codex and the door opened leading to a room and a cage with fence around it
"Well, well, well, look what we have here, a fellow inmate, a guard, a dangerous assassin and a Lieutenant from the army" said the girl her green eyes glowing in the light
"As much as I hate this, we'll be spending sometime together, Bentley" said Codex
"No, love for your little sister" said Bentley
"No" said Codex leaving as Bentley shouted things at her
"That girl was crazy" said GQ
"She's not crazy, she's a criminal" said Codex
"Who's next out of the fellow shitheads" asked GQ
"Killer Blade" said Codex

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