Please, let me go

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Codex had been beaten a lot and all she's thought about is GQ and the look on his face when he saw her and this was the first time in years that she was crying
"Look at her, this is hilarious" said one of the guy and Codex started laughing
"What's so funny" asked one of the guys
"When I get out of here, I'm gonna kill all of you" said Codex
"Thats an if and it's very likely that you'll die in here" said Scarecrow
"Whatever" said Codex
"But it's your lucky day, I'm putting you in a cell with out handcuffs" said Scarecrow and he got the guys to escort her to a cage and took her handcuffs off and shoved her into the cell and shut it, it had no windows and it was pitch black and there was no light for her and she couldn't cry in front of her captors or they would think they had the upper hand and as soon as that door closed she went straight for the corner and pulled her knees to her chest and cried silently thinking of GQ and surprisingly Bentley too
With GQ
"We're gonna find her, man" said Floyd placing a hand on GQ's shoulder
"People keep telling me that we'll find her but they aren't telling me if we'll find her alive" said GQ
"Harley is thinking the same thing" said Floyd and he continued "but she's not standing here acting like a cheesy asshole from romance movies"
"Harley was the Joker's girlfriend" said GQ
"Codex wouldn't want you standing here, in fact she'd kick your ass and knowing you, you would move, do you know why she would do that" asked Floyd
"No..." said GQ looking down
"It's because Codex Genera isn't as heartless as she seems, she loves you for who you are and I'm sure you love her for who she is" said Floyd and there was a moment before GQ spoke
"How'd you find out" asked GQ
"As a man who fell in love as well, it wasn't hard to see especially when that scrawny bitch called, Flag probably knows as well" said Floyd and GQ turned around, his hair was a mess but other than that you'd think he was completely fine, but once you saw the look on his face you'd know this man is going through hell
"If you know what it's like to be in love then can you tell me why it hurt so much to see her tied to that chair with deep cuts down her her arms" said GQ
"No, I can't but I can tell you about a different type of pain" said Floyd
"Go on" said GQ
"My wife left me because of the way I was providing for my family and my daughter is taking care of her mother and there's nothing I can do about her drugged up mother until I'm out of prison" said Floyd
"If this mission was going to be a success, which now it's probably not going to be, you'd be free" said GQ
"Codex is like a daughter to me, she reminds me of Zoe" said Floyd
"She sounds like a good kid" said GQ
"She is, you'd think I was crazy if I told you what she wants to be when she grows up" said Floyd
"What does she want to be when she grows up" asked GQ
"She wants to be a Navy Seal" said Floyd
"No shit" said GQ
"Yeah" said Floyd
"My mother would have shot me if she was alive when I signed up" said GQ
Back with Codex
It has been weeks since Codex was captured and nothing good has come of it, for those weeks Codex had been beaten but not enough for her to die, she had wondered why they hadn't killed her, she was afraid that she'd never find out
The door to her cage opened igniting the room in light and Scarecrow walked in and squatted in front of her
"Please, let me go" said Codex
"I'll make a deal with ya" said Scarecrow
"I'm listening" said Codex
"Become Mutant" said Scarecrow

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