Task force X again really?

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So, they got to Bruce's and Harley was there and literally not long after Amanda Waller and Rick Flag just walked out of the shadows
"How'd you get in here" everybody yelled in unison
"GQ, what're you doing here" asked Flag
"Uhh" GQ started
"I've been tracking him for a year, we're gonna need him" said Codex
"Well, I'm afraid that nobody needs you Lieutenant, these girls are going back to prison" said Amanda and she started to walk back the way she came
"There's a threat" said Codex and Amanda  stopped in her tracks
"What kind of threat" asked Amanda
"The Lieutenant once told me when I was on Task force X that the creatures we were fighting weren't people they were aliens and you once said that one day there will be a new Superman but you had a hypothesis that said Superman might turn on us one day and we would have no defences, in my opinion the original Task Force was too small and weak, we need more power" said Codex
"How do you suggest we get more power" asked Amanda
"To endure the safety of some Militia, add a couple heroes to the Force" said Codex
"Alright" said Amanda
"But it'll cost you" said Codex
"Cost me what" asked Amanda
"Every criminal on this Task force goes free" said Codex
"You have a deal" said Amanda and she started to walk away but Flag stopped her and said something to her
"What heroes will be on this new Task Force" asked Amanda
"Predator, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Mask, Colonel Flag and Myself" said Codex
"Fine" said Amanda and she left with Flag following her
"So, we're gonna be working with a bunch of criminals" said Aria
"Don't worry, they're basically heroes and anti-heroes, but just in case you have permission to get aggressive with any single one" said Codex
"You mean Captain Boomerang don't you" said GQ
"Surprisingly yes" said Codex
"So, basically we can attack that one guy for no reason" said Roxy
"Yeah, it was kind of implied" said Aria
"So, am I stuck here" asked Batman
"We need someone to watch over Gotham" said Codex
"Fair enough" said Batman

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