Telling Cal.

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I walked back into the room and sighed.

I tried to hide the fact that I was crying but Ashton seemed to notice.He walked up to me and tucked my hair behind my ear.

'Hey,what's wrong babe?' He said.

I burst into tears and buried my face into his muscular chest.

He patted hugged me tightly and buried his face into my neck.

'Everything will be alright.' He a whispered into my ear.

'No it won't.' I said as I turned to the rest of the boys & Mia.

They all looked at me confused yet concerned.

'What did the doc say Daira?' Mia spoke up after the long awkward silence.

I just stood there.Tears streaming down my face.

'Is it about Viv?' Calum said as he looked at me.

I nodded and burst back into tears.

Calum sat up quickly and a tears started streaming down his face.

'Oh my god,Cal.' Michael said as he hugged Calum but he just sat there and stared at the wall blankly.

'So what's wrong with Viv?' Luke spoke up which brought Calum back to normal.

I stared at all of my friends until I finally said something.

'Vivian has cancer,breast cancer.'

I looked over at Calum and he was frozen,in shock.

I walked over to Cal and hugged him tightly.

'I'm so sorry Cal.' I said to him as I kissed his cheek.

He stared at me and tears formed in his eyes.

'How long?' Luke spoke up.

'One month.' I said as I looked at Luke then I looked back at Calum,'At least you get to spend Christmas with her.'

I smiled at him and he smiled back,I'm glad I made him smile.


About a few hours later the doctor came in and told us that Calum was able to come back home with us but that Vivian had to stay in the hospital for the rest of her life,which isn't long since she has only a month left but still it hurt that she wouldn't be able to spend Christmas with her at his house.

I felt so bad for Cal.

We got all of Calum's things together and helped him out and into the car.

Calum was going to say hi & bye to Viv but he couldn't because she was asleep.

We all headed home and the guys where all making jokes and we where all laughing at the jokes like the dorks we are but not Cal,he just sat there silent and looked out the window.

After we got home everyone helped take Calum's things inside and me & Ash helped Calum out.

Calum was just quite the entire time and we took him to his room.

We laid him down on the bed.

'Hey Ash can you leave us alone to talk please?' I told Ashton as I smiled at him.

He nodded at me and left the room,closing the door behind him.

I looked over at Calum and he smiled at me.I sat on the corner of his bed and looked at him and smiled at him.

'So.' Calum said.

'Are you feeling alright?'

'Yeah,I guess.'

'I'm sorry Cal.'

'It's alright.Everything happens for a reason.'

I pulled him into a huge hug and even kissed him on the cheek.

'Thank you so much for being here for me Daira'

'I will always be here for you Cal.' I smiled at him.

He smiled back at me.

'Cuddle?' He said as he opened his arms for me.

I cuddled into his arms and we fell asleep in each others arms.

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