Oh Ash.

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Here I was,sitting on the couch in front of the front of the door.

Picking at my nails,waiting for Ash to get home.

He's been out all day and i'm starting to get worried.

What if he's with somebody else?

What if he got in an accident?

All of these thoughts where coming trough my mind. Rushing from one end of my brain to the other.

I finally heard the doorknob rattle and Ashton walked in. I stood up quickly and put my hands on my hips. Ash looked at me in confusion and then smiled.

"Don't give me that smile Ash. Where have you been all day?" I said as I steeped closer to him and he took off his shoes.

"Erm I have been busy with something love." he said as he attempted to kiss me but I pushed him off.

"Where?" I said with a serious face.

He giggled and then smiled at me, "I can't tell you."

"oh really?" I said as I looked straight into his eyes.


"where you with someone else?"

"What no? n..."

I walked away. I walked to my room and locked my self in our room.

I heard footsteps following me.


Ashton banged on the door multiple as he screamed my name and for me to open up.

I ignored him as tears rushed down my face.

I guess Ashton gave up because the banging stopped. I got in bed and cried myself to sleep.

I really feel Ashton was with someone else,I mean why else wouldn't he tell me where he had been.



The next morning I woke up and felt the dry tears on my cheeks.

I got up and washed my face and mouth.

I put a robe on top of my pajamas and went towards the door.

I opened the door just to see Ashton curled up in a ball,shivering.

"Oh Ash." I mumbled as I got on my knees and played with his curls until he woke up.

I guess I over reacted last night. I didn't even hear him out.

I fell so bad.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

He smiled at me and with his raspy morning voice said, "Not mad anymore huh?"

I shook my head and kissed his lips gently.

"How could I ever stay mad at my little cold armadillo?" I said as I gently pulled back.

He giggled at my little joke.

A different giggle from the one he gave me last night.

"I love you." He said as he grabbed my waist and turn me around so he was on top of me and kissed me.

I gently pulled his hair,really getting into this kiss.

"Iew get a room." a voice behind us said.

Ashton quickly got up noticing we where right outside my door.

I sat up and saw Calum in a T-Shirt with his boxers.

I felt bad that he was the one who found us because what if we reminded him of Vivian and him.

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