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One monthish later:

"Hey babe lets go somewhere fun." Ashton said as he burst trough the door.

"Ash,but its Vivian's one month anniversary." I said as I cuddled into my blankets.

"But everyone's ready downstairs,even Cal-Pal." Ashton said as he came over to the bed and removed the blankets that I was cuddling with.

"Hey why'd you do that bruh!" I said as I sat up.

"Because you need to wake up already,bruh!" Ash said,mocking me at the end.

"No you're just jelly that I cuddle with blankets and not with you." I said as I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I can cuddle with you anytime! Like right now!" Ashton said as he jumped on top of me and 'cuddled' with me.

"Argh Ash get off of me,you're heavier than you look!" I said as I tried to push Ashton off of me but I didn't have enough strenght for that,I mean who does?!

"If I get off of you,will you get ready?" Ash said as he sat up,still on me."

"Yesh!!!!!" I screamed in his face.

"Okay,Okay jeez." He said as he got off of me.

I sat up and caught my breath for a few minutes. I finally got off of the bed and headed to the restroom.

"What am I even supposed to wear?!" I screamed to him from the restroom.

"Nothing." I heard him say.

"Iew." I said as I popped my head out from the restroom and looked at him.

"Wear a bikini." He said as he smirked.

"Beach Time!!!" I screamed as I ran back into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth then put my hair into a bun.

I ran across the room to my closet and put on my bikini and then one of Ashton's flannels that fit me big."

I finally came out of the closet.......ready to go to the beach.

"I'm ready!" I said as I gabbed the towels,sunblock,and other beach essentials.

Ashton got up and walked out of the door with me behind him.

We went downstairs to the living room where everyone was waiting in their beach 'outfits'.

"Lets go!" Ashton said as everyone got up from the couches and headed out of the door.


We got to the beach after a long ride.

Everyone drove in pairs.

Ash & I.

Mia & Luke.

Calum & Michael.

I got out of the car and opened the front camera then I snapped a quick picture of the beautiful beach before putting my phone on 'Do not disturb'.

Ashton came around to the front of the car with our beach bag then grabbed my hand.

We walked to the shore where everyone was.

We put down our towels and sat on them.

I pulled out my phone and opened the camera once again,then Ash & I took some stupid pictures and laughed at the funny faces we made.

After we finished our little photoshoot session,we decided to finally go into the ocean.

We hold hands as we slowly go into the water.

"Ash,it's coldddddd!" I wined as I threw my arms around his neck.

He smile at me and right before I kissed him,he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.

"Ash!" I said as I punched his back,which probably felt like small pinches for him.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin let me down!" I said as I began to kick and punch.

"Say you love me." Ashton said as he squeezed my waist.

"Not if you don't let me down." I squirmed.

"Then I guess I'm not letting you down." Ashton said,I knew he was smirking his little face off.

"Ashhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I slap his ass.

He screamed a little then automatically dropped me.

I came up from the water and saw Ashton giggling so loud.

He's so fucking cute.

He turns around to look at me and I jump into his arms,I wrap my legs around his waist and he puts his hands under my legs so I don't fall.

I put my arms around his neck and before I kiss him I whisper into his ear how much I love him.

"Ashton I fucking love you so fucking much,like words can't express how big my love is for you." I say in between small kisses.

"How about infinite." He says as he kissed my neck.

"Yeah,I think that describes my love for you. Infinite."


After about an hour in the water,we decide to go for a walk along the shore.

Ashton gives me a sweatshirt her brought.

We're walking along the shore and I've been feeling something in the pocket of his sweatshirt but I just ignore it.

I feel Ashton reach his hand into his sweatshirt that is currently on me and he pulls out a small black box.

He grabs both of my hands and turns me so that we're facing each other.

He then proceeds to get on one knee.

Oh god.

"Ash." I say as I start to cry.

He smiles up at me as he opens the black box slowly,to reveal a beautiful ring with a small diamond on it.

"Oh my....Ash." I say as I put my hands on top of my mouth.

"Daira,I love you so much and I know we've had our little fight here and there but that's what makes our relationship so strong. My love for you is literary infinite,I will always love you no matter what and I will always be by your side babe. You are perfect in every way and I love everything about you. Daira you make me happy and you're probably the only reason I want to wake up in the morning,well unless there's pancakes in the kitchen." He said as he smiled and giggled at some things that he said.

"Will you marry me?" He said as he smirked.

"Of course I will Ashton!" I said as he smiled and put the ring on my finger.

"I love you so much." I said as I kissed him.

"I love you too babe." He answered.


I know it's pretty boring but like I didn't know how else to end it.

Hint word: End

Yup that right it over.

tear tear.

BUT DON'T YOU WORRY BECAUSE I'M MAKING AN EPILOGUE AND IT'S GONNA BE PERF AND I'M ALSO EXCITED THAT IT'S ENDING BECAUSE 1.I worked so hard on this & 2.I GET TO START MY NEXT STORY WHICH IS 'Bet' so make sure to go read it I'll probably post the first chap to 'Bet' tomorrow!!!!


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