Waking up next to him

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I opened my eyes to find myself & Ashton entangled in the covers,my leg in top of his with my hand in his curls. Him facing me,I took this time to look at all of his face features, without looking creepy you know, his lips slightly parted with a little bit of saliva slipping on to one of our white pillows,his hair all messed up but in a cute way and many more features that I just can't explain. I sit up a little and see the sun peeking trough the curtains as it hits the back of Ashton's head,I look at Ashton again and she his eyes slowly opening. He looks at me with his hazel-green eyes and smiles at me,he stretches his muscular arms and wraps them around my waist and buries his face into the curve of my neck as I buried my face into his chest. He still smelled like his cologne even after showering. He quickly places gentle kissed on my neck as I smile because it tickled yet I liked it.

"Your so cute." I said as I looked up at him and kissed him on the chin since I couldn't reach his lips.

He simply smiled with his eyes closed.

We laid in silence for a while,but it wasn't that awkward silence it was the good silence,the comfortable silence.

"Hey babe," Ashton said with his raspy,morning voice.

It was just plain sexy.

"Yeah babe?" I answered.

"Can I tell you something crazy."


I smiled up at him,waiting for his answer.

"I love you."

This wasn't the first time he told me this but it reminded me of the first time he told me.

"I love you too Ash." I said as I looked straight in his eyes and played with his hair a little.

He kissed my forehead and started playing with my hair.

I had a lot of hair,just like Ash.

I smiled and but my lip as I grabbed his and and hold it in mine. His hands where huge next to mine and I liked that because he gave my hands warmth when they where cold,my hands felt safe in his just like I felt safe with him.

"Breakfast!" We hear a voice from downstairs.

I got up and waited for Ashton to put on a sweatpants so we could go downstairs.

After he put on his sweats he looked at me and reached for my hand before going downstairs.

We got downstairs and saw that Calum had made breakfast. Yes,Calum fucking Hood.

I guess he just wanted to take things off of his mind.

I smiled at him and helped him bring all of the food to the middle of the table as everyone else came downstairs and say down.

"Thanks Calum." I said as I started eating.

He had made a stack of pancakes and had put a lot of toppings on the table so we could chose.

As we ate,it was silent until I finally decided to speak up.

"These are really good Cal." I smiled at him.

"They are." Everyone agreed,except for Mia because she was stuffing her face.

"Thanks guys." Calum mumbled as he looked down at his pancakes.

"Cal is something wrong babe?" Michael asked as he scooted closer to Calum.

"Well," Calum began to speak but his tears interrupted him.

Everyone stopped eating and looked at him,even Mia.

"Cal..." Ash said as a concerned face grew on his face.

"It's Vivia...." He chocked up.

"What about Viv? Cal." Luke said.

"She died this morning." Calum said,bursting into tears.

I was in total shock. The doctors said she had at least 2 more weeks. I felt tears rushing down my face and I got up and ran across the table to hug Calum.

I cried onto his shoulder as he cried into my shoulder.

I finally looked up with all of my tears dried up and looked over at Ashton,he got up and came over to Calum and hugged him to. Soon everyone was hugging him and crying.

"It's all my fault!" Calum screamed all of the sudden,making us all back away.

"Calum it can't be your fault." I said as I tried to hug him but he pushed me back.

"Yes it is! If I wouldn't have gotten us in that accident we probably would've never found out she had cancer and I wouldn't have been so scared to go see her so I would've seen her more often!" Calum said without taking breaths in between.

"Calum... Everything will be alright." Mia said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

I hugged Ashton,feeling safe in his arms & crying on to his bare chest.

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