Chapter 1

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She was always in Tyrande's shadow. Maiev sat alone, in a dark room, shut away from the world just for the moment. The war against the Horde had dragged on for two long years. It ended, to no one's surprise, in a stalemate. Tyrande was revered for having sacrificed everything. Hell, her people adored her despite her allowing them to mix with the lesser races and using magic. It was disgusting. Normally she didn't seethe like this. But after all the hard work she put in for her people, she received not even a 'thank you' from anyone she held in high regard. She sighed, her helmet placed beside her.

Her moonlit eyes shimmered a bit as she remembered what she considered the glory days... even though she'd been forced to work with him. Illidan. The damned demon hunter, her prey, that sacrificed himself for the world. Everyone assumed him dead. But Maiev knew he'd be back. He was harder to kill than a cockroach. Could he even, in all reality, truly die? She shrugged.

A knock at her door caused her to look up sharply, getting to her feet and marching forward. The door swung open, and her eyes fell upon a hovering owl. The bird landed upon the ground and deposited a hidden envelope at her feet, prodding the thing forward with its claws. It looked to her expectantly, soon enough shimmering as its entire form took on the look of pure moonlight for just a second. Before her stood another female night elf, dressed in what might as well be just leaves and sticks. Maiev scowled. How did they expect to survive in combat with that, should they be caught outside of animal form? Nevermind the frivolous use of magic. Bah. Nevermind that.

"What is it?" she asked, irritated. She hated being interrupted from, well... doing nothing. But, still. It had been time to clear her head. Time that was now gone, for no doubt she'd be called into battle soon again. The druid pointed a finger to the message, raising her eyebrows. Sighing, Maiev opened the letter, her eyes narrowed.

Maiev Shadowsong--

The Betrayer has returned. See to it that he is kept under control. I do not want him to be a danger to our people, especially not after this critical time. Teldrassil was a tragedy, and I do not want the likes of him to make matters worse. After many years, we still recover. Therefore, your task is once again to keep a watch on him. I have other matters to attend to.

--Tyrande Whisperwind

"Always the polite one, she is. So The Betrayer has returned, just as I predicted. This day cannot get any better, can it?" Maiev growled. She eyed the druid in annoyance, of whom shrugged and shifted back into an owl before flying away. Maiev wandered back into her home, snatching up her helmet and placing it upon her head. She scowled, shaking her head and exiting, wandering out into the ruins of the Broken Isles.

She had no respect for Tyrande. Despite Illidan actually, well... having aided a lot during the defeat of the Legion. Yes, she'd looked into aiding his return a second time, unfortunately stopped of course in Blackrook hold. But, that aside, she worked with him in the Cathedral soon after. They bickered, constantly. Someone remarked once 'like an old married couple'... such implications disgusted her.

Something in the distance caught her eye, interrupting her train of thought. Her eyes centered on a downed felbat. Well, looked like it was time to clear out the vermin. She approached the thing, ignoring the clouds that began to form overhead. Soon enough, however, she was close enough to realize that the 'bat' wasn't in fact a felbat at all. This was a humanoid... with horns protruding from his forehead, wings falling out of his back, hooves instead of feet... Illidan. Here? Well, damn, she had no idea he was this close. Her job just got a whole lot easier.

She drew closer, tense as a board. Reaching out with her gauntlet, she placed a hand upon his chest, feeling a faint heartbeat. He was unmoving, his skin charred with several deep gouges glowing with felfire all over his torso. Sighing, Maiev whistled, calling upon her nightsaber and pulling out some chains from her bag. She, with some effort, lifted the Demon Hunter upon the saddle, chaining him there to keep him secure. What a throwback indeed.

She grabbed the reins of her nightsaber, directing it toward the house and lifting him off as soon as they arrived. Taking little care to not be rough, Maiev hauled Illidan up and practically dragged him inside, lobbing him onto the bed and once again making damn sure that the chains were secure. She stared at her old adversary for a moment, removing her helmet. Hatred was clear in her eyes. Was it truly hatred, though, or could it be something more? Bah. Maiev didn't dwell on the feeling.

She walked to her kitchen, opening her gnomish freezing unit. Some of the lesser races provided things of value. Some. It took her a very long time to actually get any of this technology. But she had to admit it was useful. At least she didn't need to rely on magic to keep her food cold. She withdrew some fresh water, pouring a glass and leaving it on the nightstand beside Illidan. Withdrawing some cloth and bandages from her bag, she tended to his wounds, allowing a soothing herb blend to treat for any pain or infection. Did a Demon Hunter even need to worry about that, really? She had no idea, but better safe than sorry. Despite her hatred, she didn't want him to die.

From there, she pondered something. Should she go out again and take care of some business, or stay here and make damn sure he stayed put? Well. Business could wait. Things were quiet, and this was her priority. She laid upon her couch, a book in her lap, her ears flicking so often to listen for the Demon Hunter's awakening. She couldn't shake the feeling that she'd found Illidan there, wounded. Tyrande knew of it, she had to since she'd sent the letter. Was she really that much of a bitch to do nothing, and just throw the task onto Maiev?

With a snort, the warden nodded. Of course she was. Well, now she had a wounded 'hero' to deal with. This was just lovely. 

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